Earthquake Drill: Part 2

Staying alive after an earthquake is already a thing to be grateful but there are a lot of things to do after it happens. You should not wait and do these things as soon as possible.

Check yourself if you have an injury, a bruise, a graze or even a broken bone. Do no try checking others first before making sure you don’t need a first aid procedure. If you are, apply first aid if it is still possible or call help from other people. If you are going to go outside, wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, strong shoes and thick working gloves. This will protect you from harmful damages outside.

When you already make sure you took care of yourself, help other people who needs your help. Call 911 if you have to and apply appropriate first aid. If the victim is seriously injured or heavy, do no try to move them unless they are in danger within their location. If you see small fire heating up, look for a fire extinguisher or water hose to extinguish it. Do not let them spread.

If you want to open doors and closets, be careful. Contents might fall on to you as you open the door. If your parents are at home, check for them too. With your parents, help your neighbors if they needed to be assisted. Never try heavy duty jobs. Instead, you can listen to emergency information or news to a potable radio, television and even cellphones. Do not try using plugged appliances. Your local government is the nearest one to provide advice or information.

Still be careful of falling debris and objects, aftershocks can occur a lot of times, they are like earthquakes but weaker. Use your prepared things like canned goods, flashlights and water.

Tsunamis as destructible as this one can happen. STAY OUT OF OCEANS AND BAYS after an earthquake.

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