Facts About Metamorphism

Metamorphism originates from joining two Greek words meta signifying “change” and morpho alludes to ‘shape’. It implies transformative nature signifies ‘to change shape’. Changeability is a procedure in which high temperature and weight changes the mineral substance of rocks through changeable responses such that the guardian (unique) rock bears no likeness at all with the recently changed rock. In this manner substance structure of rocks is changed as well as surface too. This procedure just happens in strong rocks.

Changeable rocks are gotten from volcanic and sedimentary rocks. When rock encounters an adjustment in its physical and concoction conditions, it experiences changeability. Amid concoction responses, minerals inside the stone are changed so much that the whole composition of the stone changes with it. The higher the temperature, the speedier will be the progressions brought about by changeable responses.

The inside of the earth gets more smoking as profundity increments. Metamorphism can occur even at a temperature as low as 50 degrees Celsius. However in such a case, changeable responses oblige millions and a huge number of years to happen.

The force of changeability is called metamorphism evaluation. As it were, metamorphism  evaluations let us know the amount of a stone is changed regarding changes brought about by changeability. The evaluations of metamorphism ascend with increment inside and out.

Second rate changeability: change of mineral sythesis at low temperatures and weights

Mid-range grade changeability: change of mineral creation at medium temperatures and weights

High-review changeability: change of mineral creation at high temperatures and weights

Changes in composition

The shapes and in addition sizes of grains are changed amid metamorphism A few grains get bigger while others littler.

Changes in mineral substance

If there is one mineral in the guardian rock, transformative nature won’t offer ascent to another mineral. Its surface will transform into uneven however changeability won’t create any adjustment in mineral substance. This is because of absence of extra chemicals (no chemicals are included changeable.


Tsunami, Does everyone really know about it?

The word Tsunami or ‘harbor-wave’ originates from the Japanese word ‘tsu’, which means harbor and “nami” which means wave. They are regularly known as ‘executioner waves’. Sounds somewhat frightening isn’t that right? Well you doubtlessly wouldn’t have any desire to be around when a tidal wave happens.

A Tsunami is normally a colossal measure of sea waves which get more grounded as they move along. It’s brought about by weight in the environment, a volcanic blast, a submerged tremor or avalanche or even a meteor hitting the sea. Volcanic blasts happen when the plates of the Earth’s covering move and crash together, which causes an assemble up of weight from the magma, which is liquid shakes and gas, crushing up in the middle of them and after that ascending to the surface. It in the long run blasts.

Seismic tremors happen when there is a colossal measure of anxiety discharged from tremendous shakes on the Earth’s outside layer splitting and slipping past one another. This causes the earth to shake.

Torrents are not care for typical tsunamis and the water from them streams straight and with mind blowing force. Regular waves are the place the water streams in circles. This may astonish you they can go at rates of up to 500 miles (805 kilometers) every hour without losing vitality as they come. The Tsunami that hit Hawaii in 1946 was going as quick as a plane. That is truly quick. In view of this, their entry can regularly be ascertained. How enormous do you think a typical wave gets at a shoreline? Well it is ordinarily around 3 foot (1 meter) high. Presently a tidal wave can achieve a tallness of 100 feet (30.48 meters) high, that is astonishing. However, the most noteworthy recorded one was the 1958 Lituya Bay, Alaska Megatsunami with a recorded tallness of 1,719 feet (524 meters). Whoa, that is one genuinely tall waves.


Earthquake Drill: Part 2

Staying alive after an earthquake is already a thing to be grateful but there are a lot of things to do after it happens. You should not wait and do these things as soon as possible.

Check yourself if you have an injury, a bruise, a graze or even a broken bone. Do no try checking others first before making sure you don’t need a first aid procedure. If you are, apply first aid if it is still possible or call help from other people. If you are going to go outside, wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, strong shoes and thick working gloves. This will protect you from harmful damages outside.

When you already make sure you took care of yourself, help other people who needs your help. Call 911 if you have to and apply appropriate first aid. If the victim is seriously injured or heavy, do no try to move them unless they are in danger within their location. If you see small fire heating up, look for a fire extinguisher or water hose to extinguish it. Do not let them spread.

If you want to open doors and closets, be careful. Contents might fall on to you as you open the door. If your parents are at home, check for them too. With your parents, help your neighbors if they needed to be assisted. Never try heavy duty jobs. Instead, you can listen to emergency information or news to a potable radio, television and even cellphones. Do not try using plugged appliances. Your local government is the nearest one to provide advice or information.

Still be careful of falling debris and objects, aftershocks can occur a lot of times, they are like earthquakes but weaker. Use your prepared things like canned goods, flashlights and water.

Tsunamis as destructible as this one can happen. STAY OUT OF OCEANS AND BAYS after an earthquake.


Earthquake Drill: Part 1

Natural phenomenons are mostly unpredictable and unstoppable. One example is an earthquake. No one can actually predict when exactly an earthquake is coming unlike typhoons. These things can happen anymore, even in the safety of your homes. Your parents might not be there for you. Here are tips on how to take care of yourself before, during and after the earthquake.


Tell your parents to make sure that you have a first aid kit, in case someone is going to be hurt, a radio generated by a battery, necessary extra batteries and flashlights, the stronger, the better. They should not be hidden below beds, cabinets, attics and cabins. They should be easy to reach in case of worst scenario.

As a student, your parents or your school should teach you the basics of first aid. The most important one is bandaging. You also have to learn to turn off the gas, water and electricity SAFELY IF your parents are not home.

If you and your parents are not together, make plans on where to meet them after an earthquake.

Never place heavy objects on shelves or high places inside your house because there will be a chance it will fall on you during a strong earthquake. If possible, tell your dad to intact heavy furniture, cupboards and appliances to the walls or floors.


Never panic. Stay inside if you are indoors and outside if you are outdoors. If you are inside a building or structure, stand behind a wall nearest to the very center, or you can stand in a doorway or crawl your way under a heavy and strong object like a table or a chair. Never go near windows and doors going outside. Don’t use elevators to escape. If you are outside, avoid power lines, trees and anything that will fall especially buildings.

If it is in the night, never light a match or any fire. It might trigger gas lines near you to blow. If you are inside your parent’s car, tell them to stop and stay inside, unless there is already a falling object towards you.

(Learn what to do After an earthquake in the next article)

These anchors are good examples on what to do during an earhquake