Earthling’s Escape

Oh no! What if we get overpopulated? What if there is a worldwide pandemic that will kill everybody? What if it’s already the end of the world? How are we going to escape? Don’t worry, scientists and anstromors have already found clues in the outer space that will sustain human-life. Here are these space bodies that we can possibly live. Learn interesting facts about them and be mind-blown!

About 490 light-years away from Earth, the NASA’s space telescope found a new planet which was called the Kepler-186f named after the device that has seen it. The version of the planet’s sun is dimmer and the planet itself is believed to have sufficient water. They believe that they found the Earth’s twin on another solar system. The size of the planet is also the same with the Earth but slightly larger than Earth.

Another candidate is the planet named Gliese 832c which was discovered by the anstronomers from the University of New South Wales. Unlike the Kepler 186f, it is nearer to the Earth which is just 16 light-years.  To complete one orbit, it takes for the planet 35 days around the red dwarf (another kind of sun). The mass of the said planet can cause the weather to be higher but the closest one among the three discovered Earth-like planets.

Other habitual planets that were found are the Gliese 581 g*, Gliese 667C c, Kepler-22 b, Tau Ceti e*, Kepler-62 e, Gliese 163 c, HD 40307 g* and Gliese 581 d. There are many reasons why many scientists want to explore the space and discover new planets. It could be an ambition, threat to our worldwide security, curiosity and economic benefits. But whatever the reason is, we should be thankful that we are not ignorant about the wide space around our own planet.

How do it feels like to be above Earth? 

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