Martial Arts as A School Subject

Today, most of our curriculum consists of mathematics, language and science. For every grade, it is the same thing we learn. What are we going to do about these things? However, this subject will help us protect ourselves, especially from harm outside the school.

This is situated separated from games all in all, since we consider games in government funded schools as comprising of baseball, ball, football, olympic style events, etc. However hand to hand fighting ought to be taught not as a customary game, yet as a method for self-preservation. It would positively put a stop to harassing. Most battles nowadays go the some way or another, since they are quite often greater and stronger; that is the reason they’re bullies.And a percentage of the harassed outsiders whether geeks, goths, or by and large “unsociable”—resort to guns, with a specific end goal to issue themselves some frantically required alleviation from the misery of tormenting. The genuine disgrace in this is that battling a bigger, stronger individual truly isn’t that troublesome. You simply need to know how to do it—and anybody can learn anything, since time is running short. The main venture to winning a battle is to accomplish trust in oneself. With certainty comes that enchantment learning of when verbally abusing has gone far enough. At the same time you won’t achieve that certainty until you know how to fight.Unfortunately, a large number of the rascals we need to endure likewise learn hand to hand fighting, just to be significantly crueler. Be that as it may hand to hand fighting are an awesome equalizer, and they additionally have a tendency to have the impact of lessening, instead of expanding, the fierce motivations in kids. We ought to hence consider beginning lessons while the understudies are still in grade school.


Facts About Salvador Dali

Here are some interesting facts about one of the most important people in relation to Arts:

  • was a Spanish surrealist painter
  • was born in Figueras, Spain
  • was born on May 11, 1904
  • died on January 23, 1989
  • studied at the National School of Fine Arts located in Madrid between 1921 and 1926
  • He met other surrealist painters and writers during his visit in Paris
  • Surrealist painters are artists who depicts their creations through their unique mind imagination
  • He made The Persistence of Memory (1913), Spellbound (1945) and his wife made the Madonna of Port-Lligat (1949-1950).
  • He was also a writer. He wrote the Hidden Faces (1944) and the Diary of a Genius (1966)

More about his Biography:

  • His father’s name is Salvador Dali y Cusi and he was a lawyer and a notary
  • His father was really strict
  • his mother’s name is Felipa Domenech Ferres which influenced him to pursue Arts
  • He experienced a lot of cruelty in school and even at home
  • His older brother, with the same name, passed away because of gastroenteritis
  • He has a younger sister named Ana Maria
  • His parents sent him to a drawing school during summer to a shelter in a bay village of Cadaques
  • His mother died of breast cancer and he was still 16 when it happened
  • After his mother died, his father tied the knot with the sister of the deceased wife.
  • His relationship with his father was never peaceful and well.
  • He criticized a professor and even caused violence with the students with what careers they want to grow up. He was punished with suspension
  • He studied about Raphael, Bronzino and Dieqo Velazquez along with their classical masterpieces.
  • Agust 1929, he met a married woman and fell in love with her. This woman’s name is Elena Dmitrievna Diakonova. Elena or also known for her nickname as “Gala”, abandoned his first husband, and married to him.


How To Make an Essay

Writing an essay is always essential in school. However, every kid has troubles on how to write an essay that will create an impact that will give them an A+. Don’t worry, here are some tips I would like to share for you to be able to do your writing homework.


Before you get your pen and paper, you need to know what your topic will be about. You can get sources from the books in the library or legitimate ones in the internet. If your essay is about people, you can also conduct interviews from people. Note that Wikipedia is not always a suitable source. Check their references after the article. When you are taking notes, make it really detailed so you can keep track of it later. It will be better if you search for factual information rather than opinionated.

Picking Your Thesis Statement

Every essay has a thesis statement. This is not your topic nor your title. It is the summation of the ideas that will be found in the essay. It should not be too narrow nor too broad. You can do this by brainstorming your own ideas. You can list them down if you want.

Making Your Essay

After you’ve done everything above, you can now write your essay. But wait! Not the paragraph kind but the outline. The outline consists your A. Title, B. Introduction where it includes your 1. background and 2. thesis statement at the last part of the sentence, C. Body which consists your 1. First Major Category 2. Second Major Category and the list goes on, last but not the least is the D. conclusion which includes your 1. review and b. the answer, solution or final option. After you’ve filled out these things, let others read and criticize it. If there are no more errors, you can write them down into an essay form.


Most Dangerous Animals

The animal kingdom is very diverse. There are a lot of kinds from beautiful, unique, gigantic, tiniest, most brilliant, interesting, intelligent and Dangerous. Therefore, if you happen to see one, please avoid it at all cost but don’t kill it if it’s unnecessary. They are still living creatures.

Box Jellyfish

From the number of kinds of box jellyfish, there is no exception to how all of them can be dangerous. It has a venom which can kill a person in just a matter of time. It may look innocent and pure because of its color. Although, even just a touch of it can cause you great pain for a duration of time.

Puffer Fish

I know, puffer fishes are cute, especially when they make them selves bloat. But this is also the time where they are most dangerous. it is a defense mechanism every time they see a threat nearby. The spines that visibly appears when they puff contains venom that can paralyze your whole body, then drastically halting your breathing and then die. You can eat puffer fish, yes. However, wrong move in preparing one will end into a disastrous meal time.


It may just be a little insect where you can swat with your hand or crush with your palm. However, mosquitoes have caused a lot of people to die because of malaria or also known as dengue. Every year, 2-3 million die because of it. Mosquitoes suck in blood. They usually are many during rainy seasons where everything is still and wet from unused tires and uncovered containers where they can breed and lay their eggs to a new set of deadly mosquitoes that will probably hit 700 million people around the world. Children are really prone to this condition and it does not work like a chicken pox. You might get the disease again even if you already experienced diseases brought by these tiny pesticides.

More dangerous animals you should watch out: 


Facts About The North Pole

People think of Santa every time we mention the North Pole. However, you should learn more things about North Pole aside from the elves and the big factory of Santa Claus.

There isn’t only one North Pole

Yes, you read that right, there are actually two North Pole, not like the South Pole which has only one. Surprised? There are actually two definitions of North Pole. One is that it is the magnetic pole which changes relatively with the Earth’s crust. The other interpretation is the north terrestrial pole which doesn’t change at all but it has a fixed location which is on top of the world.

Winter is not the only season in the North Pole

People misunderstood that because North Pole is filled with ice and ice only, then stereo-typically, people will think that the only season is winter. Although, it’s similar to other places on Earth. North pole is warmest in July but still freezing with a temperature of 32 degrees. For the coldest temperature, it will be 31 degrees below zero during the month of February. The amount of light also differs.

Life exists on the North Pole

No one can survive the temperature in The North Pole. You’re wrong. There are native people living in this northern place. There are also polar bears roaming around in the wild. Arctic dwellers also exist like Orca, Humpback, Beluga whales, Arctic fox, and Svalbard reindeer. But you won’t see the famous penguins in this place.

You can have a vacation

You can have your own Arctic experience. You can have an 11- day cruise around the Norwegian Island or the Ultimate Arctic Adventure. There is also a Santa Park which is filled with themed caves as well as Santa Claus Village. There are also hot springs you can visit in there and just relax.


Does Internet Make Children Smarter?

As of today, there are 1 billion websites online and every second, it is growing. We learn different things from these websites from education, entertainment, sports and etc. But does the internet make children smarter because of this easy access to knowledge?

One of the obvious answer is that we learn more using the internet. Even though a student doesn’t go to school, if he or she has the outline of how students learn, then they will be able to using the internet. There are actually a lot of concepts they can choose in the internet that they can choose from. The information makes it easier for thinking but it doesn’t make us not to think anymore. Of course, we think to understand them. Important books from philosophers, prodigies and many other genius people of time are now available online by pdf or even Google books. You don’t need to pay to learn these things if you have the connection to internet. There are also researches that students improved their vocabulary, visual learning and their IQ is increased.

Although, there are also people that contradict this idea. More information doesn’t mean that these children are smarter. Instead, they’re just making them lazier. Because information is being spoon fed, the children loses the ability to analyze and find answers for themselves, which is also an important aspect to be learned. Also, most children are not actually using the internet to seek for knowledge but to play video games the whole day.

Parents always have roles for the child’s intelligence development. They are capable of controlling what their children can access, which they can only limit to educational purposes. It’s always better to put their computers in a common area where their parents can always monitor them. Or better, you can access the internet together and help them understand more.

Do you still remember the Internet Explorer?


Ways The World Will End

No one really knows when the world will end. However, some scientists believe that it will take billion of years until we are all erased on the face of the Earth and then it will disappear. Nevertheless, we want to know what possible ways will the world end. Are you ready? Here are the interesting scenarios.


The popular zombie television series The Walking Dead. Bringing the dead to be alive again is impossible. However, making a zombie-like attitude and behavior can be. One example is the rabies which we commonly get from dogs. This virus can actually make people violent. Another are parasites that can control your brain activity.


Being hit by an asteroid can be close to impossible but it’s not totally. Earth has been known to be a target of roaming asteroids from the outer space. However, we were not yet hit by one that can actually cause destruction to our planet. The biggest one was in Russia were buildings were destroyed by the massive impact as well many people were hurt.

Complete Robotic Takeover

Technology has been developing rapidly nowadays. Now we have robots who can assist us with our daily lives like learning and also human-like technology. It wouldn’t be long until human beings can develop something that will have their own feelings and independent brain.

Global Warming

It’s true that the planet’s surface is getting. Even though we stop releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, it will not stop the earth from warming up. Through statistics, more or less 150,000 people already died because of the issues relating to this condition and it will get more as years come by.

Big Rip Theory

If there was a Big Bang Theory there is also a theory on how the world end. This is that everything in the universe from bodies to planets will literally tear apart. As we know the universe is expanding but there will be a time that it can’t expand anymore and it will snap.

Now this is mean : 


Great Inventions By Children

It has always been said that kids have creative and inventive minds. When they get bored, they suddenly create something and these inventors had created far greater than what they have expected. Here are some of these interesting facts about these inventions.

Popsicle by Frank Epperson (11 years old)

It started on a winter night during 1905 when he left a mixture of soda water, powder and normal water in a glass outside their porch on a  cold temperature. The next morning, he found it frozen with the stirring rod stuck on it. It was an accidental invention that kids love to eat especially during summer, Popsicle.

Magnetic Locker Wallpaper by Sarah Buckel

She always love decorating her locker room with wallpapers and designs. However, it’s the effort and time that makes it really tiring and she has to do it every year. Therefore, he asked his dad to make a magnetic wallpaper for her. Her dad was owning a little company and said it was a brilliant suggestion. She was able to pick a lot of patterns, designs and even accessories. Currently, it made up to $1 million sales on the market.

T-Pak by Kelly Reinhart (6 years old)

Kelly and her sibling had no choice but to stay at home because of the heavy rain pouring down outside. To aid their boredom, their parents challenged them to make a drawing of an invention they desire. The best part is that if who wins the best gets a prototype if their invention. Kelly designed a handheld bag where kids can carry around their video games. After listening to both of their invention explanations, Kelly won the prize and instead just of the prototype, they improved the design of the product and sold millions of them to interested video game players.


Things Children Do Differently

Being a kid is cool and here are interesting reasons why.

1. Getting Changed..Publicly

Most of the children, especially women have their own rooms. They don’t usually share with their siblings. Therefore, if you are not used to wearing revealing clothes at home with your family around especially when you do “other” thinks like pooping and urinating then you are used to public locker rooms. There are even men’s open showers where you can see what’s down there, yayks.

2. Movies

Teens and even adults now only watch movies through their small screen of the laptop or at your family room with your neighbor noisily cutting their tree. However, children have the luxury to bring their parents to movie and see real MOVIES on a big screen, in a conditioned room, with popcorn and even 3D glasses.

3. Christmas Presents

Adults always wonder why Christmas as a child was more fun than being an adult. Well, you don’t need to give anything but you would get a lot of gifts under your Christmas. The best part is opening the gifts right on Christmas Morning with your mom and dad with you. You even believe in Santa Claus.

4. Entertainment

Children do not need to get out of their houses and go to a cafe, talking about boring stuff to be able to entertain themselves. Children are naturally jolly and creative so they would always have their own entertainment like drawing, singing, playing with toys ( and making a tea party). Children were always better at solving their boredom, they never got bored at all.


5. Watch TV… BY MYSELF

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I don’t have siblings to share it, my parents will not mind. I mean, who would want to watch what they called a “boring” and “lame” television show? I do! and also other kids. Therefore, I will have the privilege of watching them without anyone disturbing me.

6. Planning the Future

As I’ve said, children have a creative mind. Therefore, when they make plans for their future lives it can be really funny or impossible. However, who knows? Some talent could emerge when you are a child that you could choose to reshape your life. It is filled with a lot of possibilities, as they say.


The Most Difficult Subjects to Understand

Although, people might have discovered a lot of things throughout the history, there are still a lot of things to be learned. As a student. you might have your own weaknesses when it comes to school subjects and here are interesting difficult subjects in school.

Quantum Physics

During the 17th century, significant people like Christian Huygens attempted to study the bodily occurrences our naked eye can not perceive. He first was curious about the wave nature of light.  Although, a definition was not given until Albert Einstein of the 20th century. It is obviously a advanced topic under the subject of Physics. Although, the quantum theory tries to comprehend the actuality at a microscopic level making it really confusing and perplexing. There is a high involvement of mathematics and physics to be able to completely understand science that can even make scientists of today scratch their heads.


The subject that lets us understand the regulation and involvement of heat transfer. Thermodynamics is based on three simple requirements and they can be easily understood by students like you. However, the remaining topics like the elemental properties of substances, sequences and entropy related topics (physics) should be really studied deeply.

Rocket Science

If you want to study this subject you need to have a great knowledge of mathematics and physics. Rocket science will not be rocket science if it does not apply concepts and theories that can be found from other subjects. To be able to understand rocket science, you need to have a full comprehension of aerospace, travelling outer space, fuel chemistry and a lot more without even practicing it first hand. Therefore, many people who tried studying this had greater percentage of failing than passing the subject with flying colors.