Tips To Make Your Baby Safe and Sound


  • Try not to skirt an arrangement

Continuously plan your arrangements frequently, and don’t skip visits. As unseasoned parents, you may be agonized over something that is absolutely ordinary, however just an expert will have the capacity to tell without a doubt. Your specialist will have the capacity to partitioned the ordinary from the unusual; let him or her be the judge of things.

  • Try not to leave filthy diapers on too long

Check your child’s diaper all the time to verify they aren’t uncomfortable or should be changed. This will likewise help avert diaper rash.

  • Try not to give anyone a chance to kiss you’re infant

Amid the first weeks of your infant’s life, contact with microbes and germs can bring about a few significant issues for your little gentleman. Kissing and unwashed hands can present undesirable sicknesses, in light of the fact that their minimal invulnerable frameworks simply aren’t exactly up to shielding their body from getting debilitated. Abstain from taking your youngster to swarmed spots where there’s a higher danger of getting debilitated.

  • Try not to offer a pacifier

Sucking on a pacifier too soon can make perplexity with their eating calendars. Your infant is utilized to your body warm, your pulse and your fragrance. In the event that your child should be jug bolstered, take after the guidelines of your specialist. Also, always remember to clean things well bolstering your infant.

  • Try not to change the pace of the home

You don’t need to prevent everybody from visiting, sitting in front of the TV or listening to the radio on the grounds that he is resting. Put other people to rest, and turn down the lights like you would regularly do to get your child used to the day by day routine of things. The sooner your new infant gets used to the commotion of the day, the better he will rest, regardless of the time.

  • Don’t over-do the outfits

It’s actual that little children don’t get much warmth from moving around, yet abundance dress can bring about fever and lack of hydration in the event that you aren’t watchful.


Importance Of Water

You need water to manage body temperature and to give the intends to supplements to go to your organs and tissues. Water likewise helps transport oxygen to your cells, uproots squander and ensures your joints and organs.

Drying out

Drying out happens when you lose more water than you take in. You lose water through pee, breath, and by sweating, and you lose more water when you’re dynamic than when you’re stationary. Diuretics, for example, juice pills, certain meds and liquor may expand the measure of water your body loses. Lost liquids must be supplanted by the liquids in the nourishments you eat and the refreshments you drink.Symptoms of mellow drying out incorporate thirst, torments in joints and muscles, cerebral pains and obstruction. An in number smell to your pee, alongside a yellow or golden shading, may additionally show drying out. Note: riboflavin, a B vitamin, will make your pee splendid yellow when you take dietary supplements that contain a lot of riboflavin. Certain solutions can change the shading of pee, too.

How Much Water Do I Need?

The nourishments you eat supply around 20 percent of the water you require. The rest originates from the refreshments you drink. One strategy for deciding your requirement for water is by taking your weight in pounds and separating that number down the middle. This issues you give or take the quantity of ounces you ought to drink every day.For illustration, on the off chance that you measure 160 pounds, you may need to drink no less than 80 ounces of water or different liquids every day.My hydration adding machine can help you decide how much water you have to drink every day. It additionally takes your action levels, height and different variables into thought.

Wonder what would happen if you stopped drinking water? Find out below!


Kinds Of Bears


The Latin name for Giant Panda is Ailuropoda Melaneuca. The second word signifies “highly contrasting” in Latin. The pandas are a standout amongst the most unmistakable warm blooded creatures alive due to their high contrast hide. Grown-up Giant Pandas develop to sizes of 160 to 190 centimeters and the grown-ups weigh from 70 to 125 kilograms. The children would just weigh around 85 to 140 grams. Monster Pandas live in mountain backwoods of southwest China. This is the place bamboo develops.

Polar Bears

Polar bears are promptly unmistakable as a result of their particular white shading of hide. They have a more extended head and neck than the various bears yet have little ears. They have huge front paws, which are awesome for swimming. Their feet have extraordinary skin underneath which helps them stroll on ice without slipping.

Sun Bears

The sun bear is the littlest individual from the bear crew. Grown-ups are circuitous 120 too 150 centimeters tall and they measure 27 to 65 kilograms.

Sun bears are anything but difficult to spot with their short smooth dark hide and strange sickle formed patch of yellow or white hide on their midsection. Their paws are vast with since a long time ago bended pointed hooks which are useful for climbing trees.

Cocoa Bears

The cocoa bear, otherwise called a grizzly in North America, is similar to the bears in Brother Bear. They are huge and are generally a dull chestnut, yet can be a rich shade or dark. They have long paws on their front paws and have a mound on their shoulders.

Sloth Bears

Sloth bears are little with long shaggy hide, which is normally dark. Their nose is much lighter in shading and their nostrils can be shut or open. They have a particular midsection patch, which is white or yellow hide in a U or Y shape.


Does Internet Make Children Smarter?

As of today, there are 1 billion websites online and every second, it is growing. We learn different things from these websites from education, entertainment, sports and etc. But does the internet make children smarter because of this easy access to knowledge?

One of the obvious answer is that we learn more using the internet. Even though a student doesn’t go to school, if he or she has the outline of how students learn, then they will be able to using the internet. There are actually a lot of concepts they can choose in the internet that they can choose from. The information makes it easier for thinking but it doesn’t make us not to think anymore. Of course, we think to understand them. Important books from philosophers, prodigies and many other genius people of time are now available online by pdf or even Google books. You don’t need to pay to learn these things if you have the connection to internet. There are also researches that students improved their vocabulary, visual learning and their IQ is increased.

Although, there are also people that contradict this idea. More information doesn’t mean that these children are smarter. Instead, they’re just making them lazier. Because information is being spoon fed, the children loses the ability to analyze and find answers for themselves, which is also an important aspect to be learned. Also, most children are not actually using the internet to seek for knowledge but to play video games the whole day.

Parents always have roles for the child’s intelligence development. They are capable of controlling what their children can access, which they can only limit to educational purposes. It’s always better to put their computers in a common area where their parents can always monitor them. Or better, you can access the internet together and help them understand more.

Do you still remember the Internet Explorer?


Ludwig Van Beethoven

If we talk about history, we will not forget one of the greatest contributions of the past which is music. There were a lot of people who contributed to this genre and one of them is the famous Ludwig Van Beethoven. The following are interesting facts about him.

Beethoven birth date in Bonn, Germany was not a sure date. However, everyone knows it was during December of 1770. During his time, he was a pianist and a composer. The amazing part is that this German musician was able to make a lot of contributions to music during the transitional period of Classical and Romantic eras, even if he was a deaf composer. He made compositions with the help of his acquaintances and the conversation books. When he was still a young boy, he already started playing the piano. He wasn’t forced to doing it, he actually enjoyed the instrument. His father disprove his liking.

The three musical periods of Beethoven was based on the highlights that happened on his life. The first one is his early period where it includes his 1st and second symphonies, a group of six string quartets, piano concerto no. 1 and 2 and around 12 piano sonatas. His middle period is more into his emotions. Many of his music were showing heroes and struggles. His last period is called the late period which are filled with “genius” compositions.

Beethoven is known for his ‘Moonlight’ Sonata which everyone wants to learn to play. Before it was given a name, it was just called Piano Sonata No.14.

Many are curious what was his first composition. Although there was one music piece which had 9 piano variations which includes one of the most difficult key to play, the C minor. Everyday was important to him and he make sure he writes it down in his diary. After his death in 1827, people who wanted to be musicians were pressured to be like him.


Types of Skarks

Angel Shark

It has a flat body like of a stingray. They bury their body deep in the sand or mud and they eyes and top of the body is visible. They eat at the bottom of the seas like crustaceans, clams, mollusks and fishes swimming near the sea of the floor.

Basking Shark

It is known as the second living shark and it collects plankton for food using their gill rakers.

Blacktip Reef Shark

It is usually found in big aquariums. It’s called the blacktip because it has a black tip on its fins and white streak around it. It’s scientific name is Carcharhinus Melanopterus.

Blue Shark

It measures 12 feet long and it has a sleek, tapered body. It is one of the most fastest sharks and can even jump out of the water. It will eat anything but the most common is jellyfish. It is dangerous for humans too.

Bull Shark

It is also one of the most dangerous sharks to people. It can swim on either salt water or fresh water like rivers.

Goblin Shark

It is a very rare shark and one of the strangest looking ones. It has a pale, pink grey complexion with a long pointed nose, like a sword on top of its head. It is very uncommon since it lives deep of the water. Although, it is believed to be instinct.

Great White Shark

We usually hear this kind of shark attacking people. It can measure more than 12 feet long and weighs about 3,000 pounds.

Hammerhead shark

People might not be its primary target but it’s still dangerous because of their predatory instinct. The eyes and nostrils are apart, farther than the body length that forms a hammerhead. They eat stingrays and they are immune to their venom.

There are a lot more sharks out there!


Safest Places for Children


When we talk about dreams, these are not the dreams of monsters, scary dolls and ghosts. These kinds of dreams portray unicorns, fairies, happy moments and a lot more. When you dream, you don’t get hurt physically. When you fall, you don’t break your bones. If you became brave in your dreams, you don’t drown when you decided to swim for the first time.

Beside their Parents

Do you always remember when your parents remind you not to stay away from them or to hold their hand tight? Without your parents, bad guys like kidnappers and bullies might hurt you. Your parents are capable of protecting you emotionally and physically. Therefore, if you try wandering around the mall, do not go alone, drag your dad or mom instead to but your favorite toy.


Trustworthy people like police men, volunteers and teachers will be always there to keep you away from danger. Even though thee are a lot of cases involving people attacking schools, it’s still a smaller rate compare to other locations. If you get bullied, don’t worry, just tell your teacher and they will stop you from bullying.

Crowded Locations

You might wonder why I added this on the list when you can get lost or pushed by a lot of people. I am not talking about the busy streets of China or any other streets with only a centimeter away from people. These crowded places are filled with people but not too many. If something happens to you in abandoned-like place, for sure, no one will help you. However, if you are in a crowded place, a lot of people can help you and may even keep you away from possible danger.


Next to dreams, this is the second safest place. You don’t get struck by the heat of the sun, get sick with the undying rain and people trying to get you. Of course, if your parents are at home with you.

What if a World War occur?


Education is Important

The feeling of waking up early not to be late for school, memorize every part of a living being, doing homework every night and staying in school all day to “learn” interesting things. However, why do our parents, teachers, family, scientists and other people want us to go to school when they know they have to bear with 20-30 years in school?

To have a stable and joyous life

True, money can’t buy real happiness but knowledge will. To be able to fully enjoy the things this amazing world has to offer, then you certainly have to be educated. If you’re educated, you don’t need to worry about constantly changing jobs and planning a long speech for it. However, in this world money is important to survive.

Equality for everyone

We always wonder why there are poor people and there are rich ones. That is because of many reasons, maybe they weren’t accepted to any job cause they weren’t able to graduate or maybe the rich people are taking advantage of their ignorance. A woman is always downgraded because people thought they can’t do anything better than men. Education can change that.

Be Independent

When you grow up, it will be embarrassing if you still ask for your parents to go with you to the toilet room, drive you to your work or even spend money for your needs. As a grown up, you need to be independent because we might not know when they are going to disappear from out lives. They can’t be always there for us, and that’s a fact.

It will make you confident

Remember when your teacher asks a question and you raise your hand with confidence because you know the answer? It’s the same in the reality. If you are confident enough to answer the questions your boss will give you, then you have a bigger chance to get a job. Confidence will make you pass through the hardships in life.

How is it to be home schooled? Find out with this video. 


Why do we dream?

All people dream and they can be so weird and scary. The question is, why do we dream? Learn interesting facts about the reason why people like us dream.

Dream researchers that there is no particular reason why we dream. For other people, these dreams could give a lot of meaning to a person’s life whether mentally, physically or emotionally. According to the Psychoanalytic Theory of Dreams, these dreams are actually unconscious desires of a person. They might not be verbally expressed by the people dream but the dreams do the job of showing to them what they really wanted. The man who made this theory said that there are 2 different parts of a dream. This is the manifest content where it is actually the vivid dream and the latent content where it is the hidden meaning.

There are also other theories which said that dreams process information. It makes us collect and undertake the memories we had during the previous day. As we create these memories during the day time, our mind generate pictures, events, expressions and accounts while we are sleeping.There are also other theories about why we actually dream. One is when we dream, our brain is actually cleaning itself like a computer and refresh it to a new start. Another said that they make connections with our different emotions and feelings.

Most people believe that dreams are not meaningless. There are a lot of offers online and offline for dream interpretation. Some people believe that dreams are symbols of what will happen in the future. It can also bring luck and fortune to others. Deja vu is what we call to scenarios in real life where we thought we already dreamt about it.

What would happen if we stop dreaming? Oh no, watch this video about dreams.


Amazing Disabled People

When you hear the phrase “disabled people” you think about people on a wheel chair, wearing casts, who needs help from a guardian or from a doctor. However, these following people proves that being disabled is not a burden to be able to do amazing things in life. It doesn’t mean that you are handicapped you are bound to do limited things. Actually, you can even be better than other people with certain things. Learn interesting facts about these people and be inspired.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein learned to speak at the age of three. Because of his learning disability, he had troubles with mathematics and expressing himself through writing. However, he had major contributions to the field of Science. Examples are the special and general theories of relativity, photons and the quantum theory. Different science books around the world have the name of this famous German Scientist who is also popular for his equation E = mc one day you’ll learn about it.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors of all time. He had a thousand patents and most of them are used today through our daily lives. Like Albert Einstein, he was also diagnosed with a learning disability. He couldn’t read until he reached the age of 12. His most famous invention was the electric light bulb which gave a glow to every house and streets around the world.

black and white photo of Hawking in a chair, in an office.

Stephen Hawking

He is the world’s famous alive physicist/mathematician and popular for his works of A Short History of the Universe or a A Brief History of Time in 1988. He is like the Einstein of the Twentieth Century. He is also famous for the theories related to the expansion of the universe which includes the Big Bang Theory and Black Hole Theory. Even though he is still paralyzed, he is still contributing the world of science at a current age of 72.

How do you look at disabled people? Watch this video.