Does Internet Make Children Smarter?

As of today, there are 1 billion websites online and every second, it is growing. We learn different things from these websites from education, entertainment, sports and etc. But does the internet make children smarter because of this easy access to knowledge?

One of the obvious answer is that we learn more using the internet. Even though a student doesn’t go to school, if he or she has the outline of how students learn, then they will be able to using the internet. There are actually a lot of concepts they can choose in the internet that they can choose from. The information makes it easier for thinking but it doesn’t make us not to think anymore. Of course, we think to understand them. Important books from philosophers, prodigies and many other genius people of time are now available online by pdf or even Google books. You don’t need to pay to learn these things if you have the connection to internet. There are also researches that students improved their vocabulary, visual learning and their IQ is increased.

Although, there are also people that contradict this idea. More information doesn’t mean that these children are smarter. Instead, they’re just making them lazier. Because information is being spoon fed, the children loses the ability to analyze and find answers for themselves, which is also an important aspect to be learned. Also, most children are not actually using the internet to seek for knowledge but to play video games the whole day.

Parents always have roles for the child’s intelligence development. They are capable of controlling what their children can access, which they can only limit to educational purposes. It’s always better to put their computers in a common area where their parents can always monitor them. Or better, you can access the internet together and help them understand more.

Do you still remember the Internet Explorer?

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