Ways The World Will End

No one really knows when the world will end. However, some scientists believe that it will take billion of years until we are all erased on the face of the Earth and then it will disappear. Nevertheless, we want to know what possible ways will the world end. Are you ready? Here are the interesting scenarios.


The popular zombie television series The Walking Dead. Bringing the dead to be alive again is impossible. However, making a zombie-like attitude and behavior can be. One example is the rabies which we commonly get from dogs. This virus can actually make people violent. Another are parasites that can control your brain activity.


Being hit by an asteroid can be close to impossible but it’s not totally. Earth has been known to be a target of roaming asteroids from the outer space. However, we were not yet hit by one that can actually cause destruction to our planet. The biggest one was in Russia were buildings were destroyed by the massive impact as well many people were hurt.

Complete Robotic Takeover

Technology has been developing rapidly nowadays. Now we have robots who can assist us with our daily lives like learning and also human-like technology. It wouldn’t be long until human beings can develop something that will have their own feelings and independent brain.

Global Warming

It’s true that the planet’s surface is getting. Even though we stop releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, it will not stop the earth from warming up. Through statistics, more or less 150,000 people already died because of the issues relating to this condition and it will get more as years come by.

Big Rip Theory

If there was a Big Bang Theory there is also a theory on how the world end. This is that everything in the universe from bodies to planets will literally tear apart. As we know the universe is expanding but there will be a time that it can’t expand anymore and it will snap.

Now this is mean : 

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