The Chamber Music

Music has been alive for centuries and there has been many kinds of music invented especially in the parts of Europe. One of which is the chamber music.

Chamber music is a kind of music composed to be presented by a small quantity of musicians, not less than one but not more than twelve. There should only be one person for each written part. Most of the time, there is no conductor. Chamber music can be heard properly in an ordinary room or even a small hall. They play this music for self pleasure or to please everyone watching.

The musicians can always choose what kind of instruments to mix. The most popular kinds that are used are the strings and the woodwind instruments and the piano. A music piece for two are called duo. While three makes tri and the four players are called quartet. There are also music piece for five, six, seven and eight. However, music pieces for more than eight are not usual in chamber music.

How did it happened? From  medieval times to the 18th century, musicians in Europe had two employers, the church and the nobility. When they don’t have performances in church services, musicians were being payed to provide entertainment by playing music in a chamber of a noble’s palace. This is how the name originated. However, they still did not have a better position than the servants.

The instruments used in early chamber music were recorder, harpsichord and viol. The viols were an important family of stringed instruments from 16th to 17th century. There were different kinds of viols. There were treble, tenor and bass. There was even a family rich enough that usually plays chamber music every time they are done with dinner. Especially during Queen Elizabeth’s, there were a lot of great composers.


The Most Difficult Subjects to Understand

Although, people might have discovered a lot of things throughout the history, there are still a lot of things to be learned. As a student. you might have your own weaknesses when it comes to school subjects and here are interesting difficult subjects in school.

Quantum Physics

During the 17th century, significant people like Christian Huygens attempted to study the bodily occurrences our naked eye can not perceive. He first was curious about the wave nature of light.  Although, a definition was not given until Albert Einstein of the 20th century. It is obviously a advanced topic under the subject of Physics. Although, the quantum theory tries to comprehend the actuality at a microscopic level making it really confusing and perplexing. There is a high involvement of mathematics and physics to be able to completely understand science that can even make scientists of today scratch their heads.


The subject that lets us understand the regulation and involvement of heat transfer. Thermodynamics is based on three simple requirements and they can be easily understood by students like you. However, the remaining topics like the elemental properties of substances, sequences and entropy related topics (physics) should be really studied deeply.

Rocket Science

If you want to study this subject you need to have a great knowledge of mathematics and physics. Rocket science will not be rocket science if it does not apply concepts and theories that can be found from other subjects. To be able to understand rocket science, you need to have a full comprehension of aerospace, travelling outer space, fuel chemistry and a lot more without even practicing it first hand. Therefore, many people who tried studying this had greater percentage of failing than passing the subject with flying colors.


Fun Facts about Earthquakes

Events made by Mother Nature like volcanic eruptions or even meteor impacts from outer space can result to earthquakes. However, most earthquakes are caused by the movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates.

Talking about tectonic plates, there are 20 of them constantly moving on our Earth’s surface. It’s great pressure of the moving plates can break the crust. This will lead to stress then to energy then to earthquakes.

Many lives were taken not by the shaking of the ground itself but because of human-made structures especially buildings, bridges and roads. After an earthquake, it might cause gigantic tsunamis, huge avalanches and destructive landslides that can take away people’s lives. It is always important to always plan and brief yourself with this situation.

Every year, it is recorded that there is an average of 20, 000 earthquakes around the globe. However, there are other millions of earthquakes that are too weak to be noticed, even by an instrument. 80% of these earthquakes constantly occur around the pacific rim of fire/ “Ring of Fire” which can be found in the Pacific Ocean where countries near it are homes of the 452 volcanoes. The strongest one was recorded in May 22, 1960 measuring a magnitude of 9.5 in Chile. It was so strong that it traveled around the world.

There are also underwater earthquakes that are found at the deepest part of the oceans and seas. One example was the Indian Ocean tsunami last December 26, 2004. The waves were estimated to bee 100 feet and killed more than 225,000 people in 11 different countries.

The moon also experience moving of the crust which is called moonquake. However, they do not occur as often as in planet Earth and has lesser magnitude compare to our planet. Scientists believe that tidal stresses and the distance of Moon to the Earth affects them.

Know about interesting facts about these “quakes” in the outer space by watching the video below.