Facts About The North Pole

People think of Santa every time we mention the North Pole. However, you should learn more things about North Pole aside from the elves and the big factory of Santa Claus.

There isn’t only one North Pole

Yes, you read that right, there are actually two North Pole, not like the South Pole which has only one. Surprised? There are actually two definitions of North Pole. One is that it is the magnetic pole which changes relatively with the Earth’s crust. The other interpretation is the north terrestrial pole which doesn’t change at all but it has a fixed location which is on top of the world.

Winter is not the only season in the North Pole

People misunderstood that because North Pole is filled with ice and ice only, then stereo-typically, people will think that the only season is winter. Although, it’s similar to other places on Earth. North pole is warmest in July but still freezing with a temperature of 32 degrees. For the coldest temperature, it will be 31 degrees below zero during the month of February. The amount of light also differs.

Life exists on the North Pole

No one can survive the temperature in The North Pole. You’re wrong. There are native people living in this northern place. There are also polar bears roaming around in the wild. Arctic dwellers also exist likeĀ Orca, Humpback, Beluga whales, Arctic fox, and Svalbard reindeer. But you won’t see the famous penguins in this place.

You can have a vacation

You can have your own Arctic experience. You can have an 11- day cruise around the Norwegian Island or the Ultimate Arctic Adventure. There is also a Santa Park which is filled with themed caves as well as Santa Claus Village. There are also hot springs you can visit in there and just relax.