Great Inventions By Children

It has always been said that kids have creative and inventive minds. When they get bored, they suddenly create something and these inventors had created far greater than what they have expected. Here are some of these interesting facts about these inventions.

Popsicle by Frank Epperson (11 years old)

It started on a winter night during 1905 when he left a mixture of soda water, powder and normal water in a glass outside their porch on a  cold temperature. The next morning, he found it frozen with the stirring rod stuck on it. It was an accidental invention that kids love to eat especially during summer, Popsicle.

Magnetic Locker Wallpaper by Sarah Buckel

She always love decorating her locker room with wallpapers and designs. However, it’s the effort and time that makes it really tiring and she has to do it every year. Therefore, he asked his dad to make a magnetic wallpaper for her. Her dad was owning a little company and said it was a brilliant suggestion. She was able to pick a lot of patterns, designs and even accessories. Currently, it made up to $1 million sales on the market.

T-Pak by Kelly Reinhart (6 years old)

Kelly and her sibling had no choice but to stay at home because of the heavy rain pouring down outside. To aid their boredom, their parents challenged them to make a drawing of an invention they desire. The best part is that if who wins the best gets a prototype if their invention. Kelly designed a handheld bag where kids can carry around their video games. After listening to both of their invention explanations, Kelly won the prize and instead just of the prototype, they improved the design of the product and sold millions of them to interested video game players.

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