Types of Learning

1. Habituation is a change in behavior in which an animal doesn’t mind an unimportant stimulus after same exposure to that stimulus , over and over again. It is very valuable because the animal doe not waste any time and energy anymore to respond to a stimulus that does not have a beneficial or negative impact to the individual. Examples of this type of learning is that the noises that we can hear in the city becomes habitual that we don’t mind anymore if it is loud. The noise of the roosters in the morning are already called  white noises.

2. Imprinting is a kind of learning that can not be go back and only limited to a crucial time period in the overall lifespan of an animal. The time during which the imprinting can be don is known as the critical period. Example of imprinting is that when newborn elephants always follow their mother whenever she goes.

3. Spatial learning is when animals used landmarks to learn the spatial structure of the environment that indicates the location of food, nest sites, possible mates and potential hazards and danger.


4. Other animals learn (especially humans) by imitating the behavior of another animal and also by instructions. The development of complex language by humans has made cognitive learning (the manipulation of information using the mind) the most prominent method used by humans. Many organisms learn through observing and imitating others. Examples: People learn to play the guitar by watching video tutorials on YouTube by guitarists. Some animals have complex cognitive abilities like problem solving where you apply past experience to overcome obstacles in the future situations.

5. Associative learning is the ability to associate one environment feature to another. It is a behavioral change based on linking a stimulus or behavior with a reward or punishment that includes trial-and-error learning. Example pf an associate learning is when you open a container of food will make your pet running towards you.

Want to know more? Watch this helpful video on other learning styles!

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