Figure Skating

There are three sub-groups of Figure Skating. These are singles, pairs and ice dancing. Singles competition is where one person skates alone and they have separate competitions for men division and women’s. There are three different parts during this kind of competition. The single compulsory figures, which count 30 percent of the final score, are designs the skaters trace on the ice. The moves are all patterned after the figure eight and each skater must perform. The skater may arrange the moves in any order and performs them to music. Single free-skating has no required moves. The skater makes up a program and skates to music he or she preferred. This program count for 50 percent of the final score.

Pairs competition (man and woman) consists of a 2-minute short program and 5-minute free-skating program. The pair short program, which counts for 40 percent of the final score, is a set of moves each pair is required to perform. The pair arranges the moves and performs to music they selected. In the  free-skating, pair selects the music and arranges the moves for the piece. This program counts for 60 percent of the final score.

Ice dancing competition (man and woman) has three main arts. The compulsory ice dances are patterns each couple must perform exactly as the dance appears in the official diagrams. They count for 30 percent of the final score. The original set-pattern ice dance is arranged by the couple. The kind of music is selected by the officials. Each couple may select its own steps This count for 20 percent of the final score. The free dance consists of various dance moves and combinations the couple has selected and performs to music the couple has chosen. The couple i allowed to separate only to change position or direction. It is worth 50 percent of the final score.

Want to see how the pros do it?


Facts About Dancing

Dance is defined to be the rhythmic movement of the body. In every places in every country, even the indigenous people dance. Here are some more facts about the ancient history of dance.

Ancient Egypt

During the old Egypt, the land were filled by the flood from the Nile River.When it dries out, the soil became fertile. This will be the reason crops will be able to grow. This is the reason why the people performs a drama to honor the god Osiris responsible. They believed that the death and the rising of this great god has to do something with the rising and falling of the body of water that gives them food to eat. As the population grew, they became more specific with their worship. They made dances and they even call it the Dance of Stars.

Ancient Greece

The young children of the early age were taught to dance. The reason why is that the sole act of dancing will provide a person with with harmony of the mind and even the body. They were also taught because they will be the one dancing during family reunions and religious ceremonies. A Greek poet named Homer was able to record of how happy these children danced before.

Ancient Rome

Romans adopted a lot of things from the Greeks. One of which are their dances. Roman women danced to the statue of Cybele to honor her, the goddess of fertility. Even slaves do battle dances. Sometimes, they pay performers. They also dance during funerals. Even the Roman warriors dance to be able to win battles. Everyone during that time was a great dancer.

Today, there a lot of kinds of dances like traditional, ethnic, acrobatic, ballet, lyrical, disco dancing, modern dancing, ballroom dancing, classical, hip-hop, pop and there are many more genres.

Here is a funny version of the evolution of dance:


Types of Dances

Hip-hop Dance

Hip-hop was was once a street dancing until it evolved it what known as hip-hop culture. In this kind of dance, there are a lot of routines commonly breaking, popping and locking. They were believed to be invented during 1970s from dance groups in the US. These moves are constantly closest to the ground when performed.

Tap Dance

Tap dance, by its name, is a kind of dance where you use your feet to making tapping noises. These creative sounds are caused by the metal plates glued to the balls and heels of the shoes. There are specific kinds of shoes used in this dance. Because of this, Tap dancers can also be called musicians by making rhythm. Originally, tap dance came from different kinds which are mostly African American dancing.

Belly Dance

Typical known as the traditional west asian dance. Sometimes it can be called the Middle Eastern dance or Arabic dance in the West. It is called belly dance because most of the time the belly is being used during performances. The hips are also an important aspect. Shakira is one of the famous belly dancers.


During the fifteenth century, both countries France and Russia developed the dance to be able to transform a perfomance to dances that can be portrayed during concerts. The dance developed in France and Russia and evolved from performance dance to concert dance. If you plan to learn it, I’ll tell you it won’t be that easy. You need to take years to be able to master it and attend ballet classes. Many girls even are enrolled to these programs. Performances are choreographed and sometimes accommodated by orchestral music.  It is also compared to aerobatic movements.


There are a lot of ballroom dances in the world and Salsa is one of the most popular. This partner dance originated from Cuba. Yet, it can also be danced as a solo. Salsa dance has also been known for pairing with Latin American Music. You can dance it with random movements or can be practiced as well.


What’s my talent?

During the growth stage of a kid, everything gets developed, your physical attributes, your emotional personality and as well as the things that you are capable of doing. One of which are your talents. It’s better to know develop your talent while you are still a kid because it nourishes this talent. One day, you might be really good about it. However, how do I know what’s my talent?

Talents do not suddenly appear. We need to approach them. Take for an example, you will not know how to play a piano if you don’t take piano lessons. In a simpler way, you won’t be able to eat by yourself if your mom didn’t teach you how to properly put a spoon in your mouth without swallowing it. If it’s possible, try something new once in a while. It could be a sport, a game of minds, an entertainment talent like singing or dancing. You might learn that you’re actually comfortable about what you are learning and get used to it.

However, as a kid, you need to try things that are easy for you to do. Remember, every great endings starts with small beginnings. Clues can be found in your homework. If you do better in music assignments than in any other subjects, maybe you have a chance of being naturally good at it. Always pay attention when people compliment you about something that you do. For example, when you dance for a school project and they will tell you how good you were at it, maybe it’s time for you to dance more. When you’ve already tried the easy ones, try the difficult ones next but make sure it’s still safe for you. For example, instead of playing simple guitar pieces, try to play perfectly a harder piece. Practice makes perfect, as they say.

Look at this kid as he enjoys his talent which is dancing and making people happy. 


Best Kids: Talent Edition

When you’ve done something really cool or insanely wrong, you get popular. When people like you, they will share about you to others. When you get really famous, talk show hosts will be able to discover you and invite you to their show. For example is Oprah where the audience and the viewers can learn interesting facts about you. Here are some of the most popular and talented kids around the world.

X-Factor Australia is already finished and they already decided a winner, A 15 year old Filipino named Marlisa Punzalan. She was the youngest winner of the television show in the said country. For the final round, She was able to beat a 22-year old competitor and a band group. She received numerous standing ovations not only from the audience but also from the judges. Her voice mentor was also proud with her.

With Taylor Hatala’s choreographs in Youtube, she was able to be popular with her very energetic dance moves. These weren’t just the basic dance moves an average 11 year old knows but very advanced ones. With her choreographer, she was able to guest and show again her dancing talent in Ellen’s show.

Aelita Andre already began to paint when she was at the age of nine months. When she turned two, her art works were displayed in various art exhibits in Australia. Her paintings were also showcased during an art gallery in New York. She focused on abstract painting. Her parents were also an artist and they were so proud of her. She also had youtube videos of her painting.

Last but not the least, Giuliano Stroe. When he wears his shirt, he looks like just other kids, plain and ordinary. But when he starts to strip the shirt and lift weights and do push ups you won’t believe that this guys is 10 years old. He is one of the youngest bodybuilders and made a new record in the Guinness.