Common Mistakes of Children

From a website called empoweringparents.com, we make it more simple for you so you would not misunderstand these grown-up words. Here are the 3 most common thinking errors kids use nowadays.

1. The Victim Stance

example: ” I didn’t break it! Sasha (a dog) pushed me.”

What you are trying to say is that you are a victim of the dog. It maybe natural to find ourselves as victims but we shouldn’t do them often. Constantly doing this action will affect your growth especially your emotions. If this happens as you grow up, you will feel that every task is too hard, boring or plain stupid. You will think that everything that will make you challenged or faced up to is unfair for your side. If this continues, you will not do responsibilities that are supposed to help you change.

2. Uniqueness 


mother: Why are you with this group of bullies

son: Because I’m unique mom and they’re the unique group in the school

A lot of children feel that they are unique but sometimes this thinking can have many consequences. Always remember that being unique is not being a bad and unreasonable one. You don’t have to do the bad things to be weird. You can be unique in many good ways such as arts, school and sports.

3. One-Way Training

example: When a child feel that he has the right to look for money in his parent’s bag without the need to ask permission but he doesn’t let his parent check his.

When your parents try to teach you that it’s not right, you resist through verbal abuse, dishonest, destructive behavior and even manipulation. The consequence is you will tend not to do your responsibilities. You’re not going to learn anything that is needed to be learn before you grow and become independent.


Did you get this Illness?

As a child, your immune system is still weak. Therefore, you are more prone to virus and diseases that are spread in your surroundings, even in your own home. Learn interesting facts about diseases and maybe you can prevent them from getting to you.

Chicken Pox

When you have this infection, your entire body have scattered red itchy spots or blisters. Children 1-10 years old commonly get this disease. Other than red spots, you will get a mild fever. When you are older, the more severe this condition affects the person. To reduce the itching, spread calamine lotion all over your body. For your fever, take a paracetamol suitable for kids. Sometimes, your pediatrician will give you an antibiotic for the spot infections. You will be isolated from other people 10-20 days so that you won’t be able to affect them who didn’t experience this condition.

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is also called “Pertussis” by other people and it can be contagious to other people, as well. Not only children can get this disease but also adults and babies. It was called a whooping cough because a person is constantly coughing that it causes him or her to run out of breathe and when starts inhaling deeply, it makes a whooping sound. Sometimes, a child vomits that’s why the person needs to be feed by little amount. You can avoid catching this condition by getting vaccines and boosters for prevention.

Scarlet Fever

This condition is a kind of children’s fever where a child will experience slight to moderate fever, flushed face and a sore throat. This also includes pink tongue and some parts of the body like your neck. To treat this condition, antibiotic is given and you will be excused from school days after you’ve taken the antibiotic.

What are germs that causes these diseases?