Blood Type-ing

Understand these interesting facts about your blood type:

Blood Type A

If you have this blood type, you contain A antigens in your red cells and B antibodies in your plasma. You are capable of donating red blood cells to people with type A and AB.

health: higher level of stress cortisol, stomach cancer, heart disease( compared to type O), several kinds of cancer and leukemia, smallpox infection, malaria

good personalities: erfectionist, analytical, organized, responsible, meticulous, compassionate, earnest, creative, sensible, patient, calm, well-mannered

good personalities: 

Blood Type B

A person with this certain blood type do have B antigens on their red blood cells while the A antibodies can be traced in their plasma. They can donate blood exclusively to people with blood type B and AB.

health: risk of heart diseases, ovarian cancer (women), 50 000 strains of friendly bacteria

good personalities: enthusiastic, dynamic, yearning, creative, inventive, fun, candidly solid, idealistic, stubborn, autonomous, eccentric

Blood Type AB

People with this blood type have A and B antigens found in their red cells. However, they don’t have these antibodies in their plasma. The good news is, you can be a donor of plasma to anyone.

health: high risk of heart diseases and pre-eclampsia (for pregnant women), cognitive difficulties ( memory, language and attention)

good personalities: cordial, versatile, 4D, intriguing, flighty, arbitrary, inventive, particular, very insightful, judicious, down to earth, philosophical

Blood Type O

You don’t have an A or B antigens located in your red blood cells. Instead, A and B antibodies can be found in your plasma. This is the most common to people and you can donate to any blood type.

health: prone to ulcer and cholera. lower risk of pancreatic cancer and death caused by Malaria.

good personalities: sure, focused, dedicated, fair, expressive, agreeable, forgetting, idealistic, solid willed, natural, inquisitive, liberal


Contacting Santa Claus

Being able to see Santa is not really that difficult anymore. You don’t need to skip snack time to be able to save your coins to a trip to the North Pole and you don’t need to stay awake all night during Christmas just to be able to see him personally. With these apps, you can actually see him. Learn interesting facts about these apps and pick the best for you!

Do you want to talk to Santa Claus? Send him an e-mail. That’s right, you don’t need to mail him a handwritten letter you just have to be genuine with your content in the e-mail. You have to be patient if you want him to send you a personal reply. Do not give the big man too much letters. There are millions of kids around the world writing letters to him every year. Write whatever you want in one letter. Don’t forget to start it with a “Dear Santa Claus’ or “Hello Mr. Santa Claus” and end it with “love, (your name)” or “yours truly, (your name)”. The link is yours: http://www.emailsanta.com/

Is writing a letter to him not enough to you? If you’re better sending a voice message by Google voice. You can also call him with a toll-free number. Be sure you don’t stutter and he will be able to understand everything you say. Don’t forget what do you want from him. Here’s the website: http://www.sendacallfromsanta.com/

If you really want to check if you’ve been naughty or nice, check this personalize videos Santa Claus make! However, you have to register for this service sponsored by Disney. Be sure you were nice all year or else Santa will not put you on the nice list and no gift from him this year! Check Disney’s website: http://family.go.com/santaslist/

Have you been naughty or nice? Watch this video.