Unfinished Obelisk

A standout amongst the most celebrated stones abandoned is the “Unfinished” Obelisk, taller than any known monolith ever raised. Quarrymen clearly relinquished the pillar when cracks showed up in its sides. Notwithstanding, the stone, still appended to bedrock, gives essential intimations to how the people of yore quarried rock. A significant part of the red rock utilized for old sanctuaries and monsters originated from quarries in the Aswan range. The Unfinished Obelisk still lies where a split was found as it was being slashed from the rock. Perhaps expected as a friendly to the Lateran Obelisk, initially at Karnak, now in Rome, it would have measured 120-feet and weighed more than 1150 tons when complete.

The pillar’s inventors started to cut it straightforwardly out of bedrock, however breaks showed up in the stone and the venture was surrendered. Initially it was suspected that the stone had an undetected defect however it is additionally conceivable that the quarrying procedure permitted the breaking to grow by discharging the anxiety. The base side of the pillar is still joined to the bedrock. The unfinished pillar offers unordinary experiences into antiquated Egyptian stone-working procedures, with imprints from specialists’ apparatuses still plainly unmistakable and also ochre-hued lines stamping where they were working.

How was it done: It is currently realized that the primary instrument utilized for cutting the rock were little chunks of Dolerite which is a mineral harder than stone, as seen at the outdoors gallery/quarry at Aswan, Egypt today. The revelation of this monolith and a few others in their unfinished states permits us to perceive how they were made. The method for dividing the stone from the bedrock was a typical system utilized around the old world, in which little depressions were made in the stone, which were then loaded with wood, which was absorbed water making it extend.


Traveling Carnivals

Carnivals that move from town to town originated in the United States in the late 1890’s. Today they sometimes operate in connection with fairs or in amusement parks. To raise money, fire departments, churches, and schools often sponsor the visit of a traveling carnival. Groups similar to American carnivals now tour in many other countries, including the Soviet Union. In Britain, traveling carnivals are known as fun fairs.

Early carnivals in the United States all traveled by railroad. Since good highways are plentiful today, most carnivals now travel in trucks. Traveling carnivals always play outdoors, and their season runs from early spring to late fall. In the southern United States, a few carnivals play winter dates.

The “front” end of the show lot is the main entrance. It is lined with concessions. Here are refreshment stands, with everything from cotton candy to frankfurters, and games of skill and chance, with prizes for the winners.

At the “back end” of the lot are the rides many include small fire engines, a merry-go-round, carts, and boats. Major carnivals, which are attended by many people, may have up to 75 rides for adults. The Giant Wheel, Sky Fighter, and Octopus are just a few of the rides.

When a carnival is not on the road, it is in winter quarters, usually in the same part of he country where it plays. Here equipment is repaired and repainted and made ready for the spring opening. The canvas tents are mended, and the concession booths are repainted and repaired.

Being in the carnival is very difficult. There is the usual tiring routine of getting the equipment out, putting them together and then disabling them and then loading them again. The weather is also a problem for the traveling carnivals especially when it is too dry and too wet.

Do you want to know how to do their makeup? Here are some great face paintings that anyone can do!


The Most Radioactive Places on Earth

Nuclear is indeed an advantageous discovery especially when it comes to emitting low amounts of carbon dioxide and also a source of cheap power that will light up our houses. However, we cannot avoid the fact that it’s also dangerous thing when it is not handled properly. Like for example these places which are still highly radioactive. Therefore, if you try going there, authorities will make sure that you cannot get through the place for the sake of your own safety.

Fukushima, Japan

We can all still remember the 2011 earthquake in Japan that resulted to gigantic tsunami that demolished a lot of homes and human structures. However, it didn’t end on taking the lives of the people but also left a reminder for the people. One of the structures that was destroyed was the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear power plant that leaked nuclear radiation because of the meltdown of the six reactors. It was discovered the material leaked as distant 200 miles radius from the plant.

Chernobyl, Ukraine

Until today, Chernobyl is still severely polluted with nuclear waste after the accident in 1986. Only a number of people are allowed to around the place for a particular time. During the accident, more than 6 million people were unprotected from the radiation. Thousands of people died. If you can remember the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing, the effects of this accident were worse. Number of cancer patients drastically increased.

Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan 

Most of the nuclear accidents came from nuclear bombs and even power plants. It came from the materials used for mining. The area are filled with mining processes of uranium and there are over 36 dumps of uranium waste. It is also a common place for earthquake activities. These disruptions caused the exposure from time to time. Not only the people are affected but also the rivers are contaminated that made it unsafe for drinking, especially for the animals living near the bodies of water.


Best Amusement Parks in The World

If you are traveling with kids, I’m sure you want to go to theme parks. There are a lot actually all around the world. Not only the kids will enjoy them but also the adults of these interesting amusement parks.

Owned and controlled by SeaWorld Parks &Enternainment, Discovery Cove can be found in Orlando, Florida. Guests are allowed to socialize with aquatic animals especially swimming and touching the dolphins. Other than dolphins, visitors can interact with exotic birds, tropical fishes, rays and terra firma mammals. Admission includes food, drinks, equipment rentals and a single ticket to SeaWorld Orlando, Aquatica or Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.

Europa-Park that is situated in Rust, Germany is one of the largest and most popular theme park resort in the world. They have a total of 12 roller coasters and 50,000 visitors daily. If you love dancing, the park is heart of the Euro Dance Festival. If you get the chance to arrive during their summer season, there are dozens of events that will be hosted. Most of the popular ones are the Midsummer Party, Horror Nights and many more!

Magic Kingdom Park or Magic Kingdom is the first theme park of the four which Walt Disney built in Bay Lake, Florida. In this park, you will be able to see the iconic Cinderella castle and Disney Characters. Millions of people visit the park every year. Although, they also have personas from other famous fairy tales.

On the other hand, the largest theme park in Latin America is the Beto Carrero World which can be found in Penha, Brazil. It is one of the best parks in the world. The theme park is further divided into 9 themes which includes the Madagascar movie. They also have Fantasyland, Pirate’s Island and a lot more.


Safest Places for Children


When we talk about dreams, these are not the dreams of monsters, scary dolls and ghosts. These kinds of dreams portray unicorns, fairies, happy moments and a lot more. When you dream, you don’t get hurt physically. When you fall, you don’t break your bones. If you became brave in your dreams, you don’t drown when you decided to swim for the first time.

Beside their Parents

Do you always remember when your parents remind you not to stay away from them or to hold their hand tight? Without your parents, bad guys like kidnappers and bullies might hurt you. Your parents are capable of protecting you emotionally and physically. Therefore, if you try wandering around the mall, do not go alone, drag your dad or mom instead to but your favorite toy.


Trustworthy people like police men, volunteers and teachers will be always there to keep you away from danger. Even though thee are a lot of cases involving people attacking schools, it’s still a smaller rate compare to other locations. If you get bullied, don’t worry, just tell your teacher and they will stop you from bullying.

Crowded Locations

You might wonder why I added this on the list when you can get lost or pushed by a lot of people. I am not talking about the busy streets of China or any other streets with only a centimeter away from people. These crowded places are filled with people but not too many. If something happens to you in abandoned-like place, for sure, no one will help you. However, if you are in a crowded place, a lot of people can help you and may even keep you away from possible danger.


Next to dreams, this is the second safest place. You don’t get struck by the heat of the sun, get sick with the undying rain and people trying to get you. Of course, if your parents are at home with you.

What if a World War occur?



Aside from local parks and carnivals, you should also visit these place before you totally grow up. They might not have the rides that you like but they’re really amazing and suitable for young kids like you. Here are some interesting facts about them.

1. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

This museum is targeted to baseball enthusiasts of any age. It’s not just about looking the displays but you can start your sightseeing with a Discovery Tour Scavenger Hunt. Through this activity, you will be able to experience being detectives and search for clues that will lead you to the next stations. Not only you will enjoy the exploration but you will also have prizes at the end of the activity. You can also enjoy a movie in their theater.

2. Kennedy Space Center

If you are a fan of science and outer space, visit this space center located in Cape Canaveral, Florida. You can actually be an astronaut yourself test their Shuttle Launch Experience flight simulator. Most of the displays are real shuttles. You can join mission controls and have a nice lunch time with an astronaut.

3. Buckingham Palace

Experience royalty and see real Queens, Kings, Princesses and Princes. You will be able to see those guards with fuzzy black hats and redcoats and hear royal marching music. You are lucky if the royalties are in the palace at the moment of your stay.

4. Wisconsin Dells 

Visit the water park capital of the world if you feel really hot during summer. They have 18 options and more than 200 slides offered for visitors. It is also open for all ages. Take over your phobia by taking one of their longest slides. It is currently located in South-Central Wisconsin.

Speaking of making kids happy, these are some of the reactions of kids to the song “All About the Bass”