Facts about Bullying

How do I know if I’m already bullying?

You know when you are bullying when you already tease them nicknames and even harsh words. Even when you are talking with your friends about wanting to hurt someone, it can already be a form of bullying. When you spread bad rumors of a person, whether they are real or not is another example. The most serious one is attacking them physically like punching, pinching them hard, kicking them, putting a bond paper at their backs that say “i’m a loser” or even doing pranks that can hurt them badly. When you are in your computer, you can also commit this crime. For example is posting an embarrassing photo of your classmate without asking their permission.

Who are mostly bullied?

An alone person is what is bullied the most because children think the person is different or a loser. Especially when they are powerless, bullies will take the advantage to hurt them physically and emotionally. If he or she is different from other kids, they will find it weird and they will make of fun of his or her visible imperfection. Popular kids tend to bully the unpopular because they feel special when they do it.

What happens when you bully a kid?

When you bully a kid, you will hurt his feelings and you will make him sad. Thus, he will hate school and he will be afraid of going to school already. They will get lower grades, avoid other people and will keep being quiet to themselves. Worst scenario, he or she will do something bad to himself that might hurt him. Sometimes, a person who is bullied will be a bully himself/herself so that no one will do it again to him or her and he will feel powerful and confident about his or her own self.

How do kids react to bullying?