Longest Bridges

Many infrastructures were build to make the people’s lives better. Here are top longest bridges all around the world. However, most of these bridges are from China. Learn interesting facts about these snake-like infrastructures.

1. Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge

Location: China

Length: 540, 700 ft

In a province in China, it is officially the world’s longest bridge. It was build between Shanghai and Nanjing and goes to the Yangtze River. After four years, it was done in 2010 and was already open to public the next year. More than 10, 000 people were hired to construct the bridge and it costs $8.5 Billion.

2. Tianjin Grand Bridge

Location: China

Length: 373, 00 ft

Between Langfang and Qingxian lies the second longest bridge which is  part of the railway. They the same construction time with the longest bridge. It was also included in the Guinness Book of World Records.

3. Weinan Weihe Grand Bridge

Location: China

Length: 261, 588 ft

Serving as a connection between Zhengzhou and Xi’an, the bridge goes above Wei River two times, other rivers, highways and railways. It was once the longest bridge before the two longer bridges were constructed.

4. Bang Na Expressway

Location: Thailand

Length: 177, 000

The full name of the bridge is Bang Na- Bang Phli – Bang Pakong Expressway and its official name is Burapha Withi Expressway. The engineer of the bridge’s owner was the Louis Berger Group which is a US company. However, the construction was shared by two ventures from Germany and Thailand. Unlike other bridges, It never crosses any body of water like rivers and lakes.

5. Beijing Grand Bridge

Location: China

Length: 157, 982 ft

6. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

Location: United States

Length: 126, 122 ft

7. Manchac Swamp Bridge

Location: United States

Length: 120, 440 ft

8. Yangcun Bridge

Location: China

Length: 117, 493 ft

9. Hangzhou Bay Bridge

Location: China

Length: 117, 037 ft

10. Runyang Bridge

Location: China

Length: 116,990 ft

Are you scared of heights? If not, can you take these scary bridges?


Earthling’s Escape

Oh no! What if we get overpopulated? What if there is a worldwide pandemic that will kill everybody? What if it’s already the end of the world? How are we going to escape? Don’t worry, scientists and anstromors have already found clues in the outer space that will sustain human-life. Here are these space bodies that we can possibly live. Learn interesting facts about them and be mind-blown!

About 490 light-years away from Earth, the NASA’s space telescope found a new planet which was called the Kepler-186f named after the device that has seen it. The version of the planet’s sun is dimmer and the planet itself is believed to have sufficient water. They believe that they found the Earth’s twin on another solar system. The size of the planet is also the same with the Earth but slightly larger than Earth.

Another candidate is the planet named Gliese 832c which was discovered by the anstronomers from the University of New South Wales. Unlike the Kepler 186f, it is nearer to the Earth which is just 16 light-years.  To complete one orbit, it takes for the planet 35 days around the red dwarf (another kind of sun). The mass of the said planet can cause the weather to be higher but the closest one among the three discovered Earth-like planets.

Other habitual planets that were found are the Gliese 581 g*, Gliese 667C c, Kepler-22 b, Tau Ceti e*, Kepler-62 e, Gliese 163 c, HD 40307 g* and Gliese 581 d. There are many reasons why many scientists want to explore the space and discover new planets. It could be an ambition, threat to our worldwide security, curiosity and economic benefits. But whatever the reason is, we should be thankful that we are not ignorant about the wide space around our own planet.

How do it feels like to be above Earth? 


Top 10 Tallest Bulidings

1. Burj Khalifa

Location: Dubai, UAE

Height: 2, 717 ft

A total of 163 floors, it is the tallest man-made skyscraper in the world. It was finally opened to public last January 4, 2010. The skyscraper was build on the determination of their government to make the economy not only an oiled based nation but also a tourism based.

2. Shanghai Tower

Location: Shanghai, China

Height: 2, 073 ft

Also called as the Shanghai Central Tower, the towers was designed by a great architectural firm in America which is the Gensler. It has nine cylindrical buildings piled on top of another.

3. Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel

Location: Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Height: 1, 971 ft

Owned by the government, the tower as well as the surrounding ones were made to be able to achieve a modern way of supporting for their own pilgrims. Not only it’s the 3rd tallest building but it is also the tallest clock tower and largest clock face in the world.

4. One World Trade Center

Location: New York City, USA

Height: 1, 776 ft

Sharing a similar name with the original World Trade Center or the Northern Twin Tower, it was built a few acres near to the old site. The world trade center had seven buildings and the most popular ones were the twin towers until it was attacked by terrorists long time ago.

5. CTF Finance Centre

Location: Guangzhou, China

Height: 1, 740 ft

Formerly known as The CTF Guangzhou, Chow Tai Fook Centre is a building constructed for Hotel, Residential and Commercial purposes. The owner of the said building is the Chow Tai Fook Enterprises in China.

6. Taipei 101

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Height: 1, 670 ft

7. Shanghai World Finance Center

Location: Shanghai, China

Height: 1, 614 ft

8. International Commerce Centre

Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Height: 1, 588 ft

9. Petronas Tower 1 and 2

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Height: 1, 483 ft

10. Zifeng Tower

Location: Nanjing, China

Height: 1, 476 ft


What’s my talent?

During the growth stage of a kid, everything gets developed, your physical attributes, your emotional personality and as well as the things that you are capable of doing. One of which are your talents. It’s better to know develop your talent while you are still a kid because it nourishes this talent. One day, you might be really good about it. However, how do I know what’s my talent?

Talents do not suddenly appear. We need to approach them. Take for an example, you will not know how to play a piano if you don’t take piano lessons. In a simpler way, you won’t be able to eat by yourself if your mom didn’t teach you how to properly put a spoon in your mouth without swallowing it. If it’s possible, try something new once in a while. It could be a sport, a game of minds, an entertainment talent like singing or dancing. You might learn that you’re actually comfortable about what you are learning and get used to it.

However, as a kid, you need to try things that are easy for you to do. Remember, every great endings starts with small beginnings. Clues can be found in your homework. If you do better in music assignments than in any other subjects, maybe you have a chance of being naturally good at it. Always pay attention when people compliment you about something that you do. For example, when you dance for a school project and they will tell you how good you were at it, maybe it’s time for you to dance more. When you’ve already tried the easy ones, try the difficult ones next but make sure it’s still safe for you. For example, instead of playing simple guitar pieces, try to play perfectly a harder piece. Practice makes perfect, as they say.

Look at this kid as he enjoys his talent which is dancing and making people happy. 


Facts about Bullying

How do I know if I’m already bullying?

You know when you are bullying when you already tease them nicknames and even harsh words. Even when you are talking with your friends about wanting to hurt someone, it can already be a form of bullying. When you spread bad rumors of a person, whether they are real or not is another example. The most serious one is attacking them physically like punching, pinching them hard, kicking them, putting a bond paper at their backs that say “i’m a loser” or even doing pranks that can hurt them badly. When you are in your computer, you can also commit this crime. For example is posting an embarrassing photo of your classmate without asking their permission.

Who are mostly bullied?

An alone person is what is bullied the most because children think the person is different or a loser. Especially when they are powerless, bullies will take the advantage to hurt them physically and emotionally. If he or she is different from other kids, they will find it weird and they will make of fun of his or her visible imperfection. Popular kids tend to bully the unpopular because they feel special when they do it.

What happens when you bully a kid?

When you bully a kid, you will hurt his feelings and you will make him sad. Thus, he will hate school and he will be afraid of going to school already. They will get lower grades, avoid other people and will keep being quiet to themselves. Worst scenario, he or she will do something bad to himself that might hurt him. Sometimes, a person who is bullied will be a bully himself/herself so that no one will do it again to him or her and he will feel powerful and confident about his or her own self.

How do kids react to bullying?


Education is Important

The feeling of waking up early not to be late for school, memorize every part of a living being, doing homework every night and staying in school all day to “learn” interesting things. However, why do our parents, teachers, family, scientists and other people want us to go to school when they know they have to bear with 20-30 years in school?

To have a stable and joyous life

True, money can’t buy real happiness but knowledge will. To be able to fully enjoy the things this amazing world has to offer, then you certainly have to be educated. If you’re educated, you don’t need to worry about constantly changing jobs and planning a long speech for it. However, in this world money is important to survive.

Equality for everyone

We always wonder why there are poor people and there are rich ones. That is because of many reasons, maybe they weren’t accepted to any job cause they weren’t able to graduate or maybe the rich people are taking advantage of their ignorance. A woman is always downgraded because people thought they can’t do anything better than men. Education can change that.

Be Independent

When you grow up, it will be embarrassing if you still ask for your parents to go with you to the toilet room, drive you to your work or even spend money for your needs. As a grown up, you need to be independent because we might not know when they are going to disappear from out lives. They can’t be always there for us, and that’s a fact.

It will make you confident

Remember when your teacher asks a question and you raise your hand with confidence because you know the answer? It’s the same in the reality. If you are confident enough to answer the questions your boss will give you, then you have a bigger chance to get a job. Confidence will make you pass through the hardships in life.

How is it to be home schooled? Find out with this video. 


Did you get this Illness?

As a child, your immune system is still weak. Therefore, you are more prone to virus and diseases that are spread in your surroundings, even in your own home. Learn interesting facts about diseases and maybe you can prevent them from getting to you.

Chicken Pox

When you have this infection, your entire body have scattered red itchy spots or blisters. Children 1-10 years old commonly get this disease. Other than red spots, you will get a mild fever. When you are older, the more severe this condition affects the person. To reduce the itching, spread calamine lotion all over your body. For your fever, take a paracetamol suitable for kids. Sometimes, your pediatrician will give you an antibiotic for the spot infections. You will be isolated from other people 10-20 days so that you won’t be able to affect them who didn’t experience this condition.

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is also called “Pertussis” by other people and it can be contagious to other people, as well. Not only children can get this disease but also adults and babies. It was called a whooping cough because a person is constantly coughing that it causes him or her to run out of breathe and when starts inhaling deeply, it makes a whooping sound. Sometimes, a child vomits that’s why the person needs to be feed by little amount. You can avoid catching this condition by getting vaccines and boosters for prevention.

Scarlet Fever

This condition is a kind of children’s fever where a child will experience slight to moderate fever, flushed face and a sore throat. This also includes pink tongue and some parts of the body like your neck. To treat this condition, antibiotic is given and you will be excused from school days after you’ve taken the antibiotic.

What are germs that causes these diseases?


Facts about Dinosaurs

Where did the word “Dinosaurs” come from?

The word dinosaur originated from a greek word which means a “terrible lizard”. The word became popular after a famous biologist and paleontologist coined the word. From the greek words deinos and sauros, It was combined into a latin word dinosaurus then later changed to dinosaurs in the mid 19th century.

How did the dinosaurs exist?

The dinosaurs lived about 160 million years. They lived through three different periods which are the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous until they become extinct. These three periods are part of a Mesozoic Era 250-60 million years ago. Scientists believed that there were  1,000 different species of non-avian dinosaurs living during that time. The dinosaurs living during the Triassic period where smaller until they start getting bigger during the Jurassic and Cretaceous period. They are divided into two groups depending on the structures of the hipbones. Some dinosaurs are carnivores and some are herbivores which eat plants instead of meat.

How did the Dinosaurs get extinct?

There are many possibilities why dinosaurs became extinct. One reason is because of asteroid impact on Earth. The impact caused the climate to rapidly change where no satisfactory sunlight can get through the atmosphere that gives nourishment for plants that will be eaten by herbivores dinosaurs. Scientists found fossils in limestone rocks where it was dated back during the dinosaurs time. They contained components where it is very rare on Earth’s grounds but common among meteorites. Also, it could be of volcano activities, bigger than we have right now. Another theory was because of climate change, these animals didn’t adapt to that sudden change and died. Some say that these amazing animals died because of lack of food since they have a large diet for food because of their size.

Watch the Official Trailer for Jurrasic World ( interesting facts about dinosaurs seen with your two eyes)


Why do we dream?

All people dream and they can be so weird and scary. The question is, why do we dream? Learn interesting facts about the reason why people like us dream.

Dream researchers that there is no particular reason why we dream. For other people, these dreams could give a lot of meaning to a person’s life whether mentally, physically or emotionally. According to the Psychoanalytic Theory of Dreams, these dreams are actually unconscious desires of a person. They might not be verbally expressed by the people dream but the dreams do the job of showing to them what they really wanted. The man who made this theory said that there are 2 different parts of a dream. This is the manifest content where it is actually the vivid dream and the latent content where it is the hidden meaning.

There are also other theories which said that dreams process information. It makes us collect and undertake the memories we had during the previous day. As we create these memories during the day time, our mind generate pictures, events, expressions and accounts while we are sleeping.There are also other theories about why we actually dream. One is when we dream, our brain is actually cleaning itself like a computer and refresh it to a new start. Another said that they make connections with our different emotions and feelings.

Most people believe that dreams are not meaningless. There are a lot of offers online and offline for dream interpretation. Some people believe that dreams are symbols of what will happen in the future. It can also bring luck and fortune to others. Deja vu is what we call to scenarios in real life where we thought we already dreamt about it.

What would happen if we stop dreaming? Oh no, watch this video about dreams.


Questions Commonly Asked by Kids

Children are the most common people who ask A LOT. Well, aside from scientists and naturally curious people. Here are some of the most common questions kids ask nowadays and answer them the “kid way”. You might learn something while reading.

1. Why are there so various languages in the world?

Small groups of people living in the world were once separated by vast lands, huge oceans and unexplored skies. When they try to make their own way of understanding each other for survival purposes, they didn’t know how to share it with others because there were no cars, airplanes and ships before. Thus, they make their own language between the members of their group until they became larger in number.

2. Why is it not allowed to show our private parts to other people?

Our private parts were not made for public purposes. They were intentionally in our body to help us. Also, these are for private reasons like going to the bathroom urinating. You should not show it to untrustworthy people except for your parents and your doctor. If someone is trying to see your private parts, seek help from mommy or daddy.

3. I thought you don’t cry anymore when you’re already old?

When a person grow up, he or she still has emotions. These include feelings of sadness and happiness. When we are too happy or sad, we can’t help but to cry. Kids jump up and down or may cry and get wild when they are sad. For Adults, they have a more complicated feelings and emotions.

4. Why do I need to sleep earlier?

Unlike adults, your body is still young and growing. Therefore sleeping gives you energy to be healthy ones and will keep you from other illnesses. When it comes to brain, you exhaust too much energy than adults. This is the reason why you ask these questions.

Here are the top 5 most common questions kids asked in the United Kingdom.