Facts About Christianity

2.2 billion people or 32 percent of the world’s population is Christian. The list of Christian denominations includes Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and there are 30, 000 more. What is Christianity? It is the religion built from the person and teachings of Jesus from Nazareth. This includes beliefs and practices. Here are more facts about Christianity.

It was founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. Long ago, Christians were called “atheists” ( known now as a non-believer of any god) because they weren’t worshiping their pagan gods by the Early Romans. And even now, Christians are mistreated in at least 27 countries. Christians have also set of beliefs like creeds, scriptures and trinity.

They also celebrate their holy days :


It is the climax of the holy week. It remembers the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most significant of all Christian celebrations. Churches will become full of flowers and hymns and songs will be sang. Although, Easter bunny originated from Islam.

All Saint’s Day and All Souls’ Day

All Souls’ Day is stamped on second November (or the third if the second is a Sunday), specifically emulating All Saints’ Day, and is an open door for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholic houses of worship to remember the unwavering left. They recollect and appeal to God for the souls of individuals who are in Purgatory – the spot (or state) in which the individuals who have kicked the bucket give penance for their less grave sins before being allowed the vision of God in Heaven (called Beatific vision).

All Saint’s Day is an open door for professors to recollect all holy persons and saints, known and obscure, all through Christian history. As a feature of this day of commitment, adherents are obliged to go to chapel and do whatever it takes not to do any servile work.


Children’s Rights

You may not be able to do some things but there are rights that provides you what is morally right. If you do not know your rights yet, here are these interesting ones you should probably know.

Children have the right to live, whether what kind of social class you belong, the government must sure that you will be able to survive and have a healthy growth. If you are living in a foster home, the family members have the responsibility to take care and protect your rights.

Children have the right to live with your parents. However, if your parents are abusing you or being a bad influence, then they will take you away from them and to safety. If your parents are divorced, you are not halted to see both of them. If you and your parents live in different countries, moving in the country you are living in is a legal reason.

Children have the right express their thoughts and opinions when adult make decisions that will be affecting you. You also have the right to get and be able to share information from others. The only “if” is to make sure these information is not damaging. You are also enclosed with the freedom of expression.

Children have the right to meet other people and be able to engage to groups and organizations. This is only applicable if the groups and organizations’ objective is not to cease others’ rights. Children are protected from dangerous work that can possibly harm their development.

Children have the right to be protected by people from being abused, hurt and injured both mentally and physically. If the child has a disability, he or she have the right to proper health care and support. However, all children have the right to satisfying quality care.