The Education of Ancient Greece

The Greek city-states, of which Athens was the greatest, are the starting point of Western Civilization. All people alive in the Western world today owe many of their ideas and attitudes to the ancient Greeks.

The Chinese, the Hindus and the Hebrews all saw education as a means of preserving their traditional ways of life with as little change as possible The people of Athens were much more darling. They did not believe that the whole truth about everything had been handed down from the past. They believed that it was necessary to ask questions and look after new knowledge.

Athens had the first democratic government. It was not what would be called a democratic government today. There were more slaves, who had no vote, than there were free citizens. And among the free citizens only, the men had the voice in the government. But the male citizens of the Athens were the first people to have self-government and freedom of thought and conscience, much as we know them today.

Ideals of A Student

The ideal of education in early Athens was to prepare a boy for this freedom. The Greeks did not want a youth to be one-sided, interested only in religion or in his profession. They believed everyone should be well-rounded. Their ideal was excellence in all things. The educated Athenian was supposed to be good at games and sports. He was supposed to know about the Great Greek heroes and the Greek gods. He was supposed to know music, poetry and art. Most important, he was supposed to be able to think for himself and to care about right and wrong. He was supposed to feel that the welfare of Athens-its people, its government, and its culture-were his personal responsibility.

Here are more facts about the Ancient Greece


The Easter Season

The Easter Sunday is the day when Christians commemorates the resurrection or the returning of life of the Son of God which is Jesus Christ. The religion was based on his values and teachings. The word Easter was suggested to be from a pre-historic festival celebration in Northern Europe during spring. It was called the Eostur. 

Most of the Christian Churches, they celebrate Easter between the dates of 22 of March and 25 of April. It usually falls on the first Sunday after the first fool moon. However, on Eastern Orthodox churches, they usually celebrate it days after April 25. But before the celebration, there are many things the believers prepare for this day. One is that they offer prayers and ask for forgiveness. This is called the Lent. It lasts 40 days. Fasting during these days are popular. However, it is not strict. After Lent, Ash Wednesday comes next where they put a cross symbol on their foreheads using ash as a sign of penitence. The last seven days before Easter is the Holy Week which begins with the Palm Sunday. Holy Thursday, on the other hand, is the day where Jesus and the disciples had their last supper with Jesus Christ. The day after is called the Good Friday where people attend church services from 12 nn to 3 pm in commemorating the hours of Jesus Christs’s suffering on the cross. Finally, the day before Easter is called the Holy Saturday where a candle light service will be observed during the evening of the day.

Customs and Symbols

Before Lent season, some people conduct parties and even parades, they are called as Mardi Gras or Carnivals. People wear new clothes which symbolizes new life. The lamb is also the symbol of the Christian Easter. Kids also have a part during the celebration. This is called as the Eastern egg hunting, very popular among the Westerners.



Female sea turtles go to the shore to lay eggs during nesting season. Upon arriving, they use a very strong force to dig a large depression called a “body pit” through their front flippers, and a small hole not so far from the body pit called an “egg chamber” through their back flippers where they lay fifty to two hundred soft-shelled eggs. Then they cover their nests with sand and go back to the sea, specifically to the feeding areas, to regain energy for the next nesting season which takes more than a year or several years.It takes a few days for hatchlings to go up to the surface and when they return to the ocean, they usually do it at night to avoid predators.  The young sea turtles then move to the feeding areas for a few years ora few decades but only when they already have larger body size in order for them not to be eaten by predators. Only a few sea turtles survive to adulthood. Some common foods that sea turtles eat include jellyfish, seaweed, crab, shrimp, sponges, snail, algae, and mollusks.Adult sea turtles migrate to breeding areas for reproduction for more than a year or several years. Mating season is from March to October, depending on the different kinds of species. In sea turtles, multiple paternity or fatherhood is common. Male sea turtles are rather aggressive during mating season and they mate with as many females as possible. Once they cannot find any more females to mate, they return to the feeding areas.Most female sea turtles practice natal homing in which they go back to nest at the same surface where they started or began as hatchlings. They stay at the beach for one to two months before laying their eggs.


Facts About Christianity

2.2 billion people or 32 percent of the world’s population is Christian. The list of Christian denominations includes Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and there are 30, 000 more. What is Christianity? It is the religion built from the person and teachings of Jesus from Nazareth. This includes beliefs and practices. Here are more facts about Christianity.

It was founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. Long ago, Christians were called “atheists” ( known now as a non-believer of any god) because they weren’t worshiping their pagan gods by the Early Romans. And even now, Christians are mistreated in at least 27 countries. Christians have also set of beliefs like creeds, scriptures and trinity.

They also celebrate their holy days :


It is the climax of the holy week. It remembers the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most significant of all Christian celebrations. Churches will become full of flowers and hymns and songs will be sang. Although, Easter bunny originated from Islam.

All Saint’s Day and All Souls’ Day

All Souls’ Day is stamped on second November (or the third if the second is a Sunday), specifically emulating All Saints’ Day, and is an open door for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholic houses of worship to remember the unwavering left. They recollect and appeal to God for the souls of individuals who are in Purgatory – the spot (or state) in which the individuals who have kicked the bucket give penance for their less grave sins before being allowed the vision of God in Heaven (called Beatific vision).

All Saint’s Day is an open door for professors to recollect all holy persons and saints, known and obscure, all through Christian history. As a feature of this day of commitment, adherents are obliged to go to chapel and do whatever it takes not to do any servile work.


Facts About Sleep

Sleep is as important as diet and exercising. However, there are times where we don’t get enough sleep because of work, school or other agenda. Here are interesting facts about sleep that everyone should know.

Talking about sleeping late, humans have the ability to make his or her own sleeping time aside from their normal sleeping duration which is like seven to nine hours during the night, unlike other animals like bats, owls, lions, deer and elephants. However, newborn babies sleep like 14 to 17 hours a day. If you’re living in a mountain, obviously your sleep will be disturbed once in a while. You’ll end up waking up in the middle of the night. This is because of the low oxygen level that is required especially during sleep where you inhale and exhale deeply. Another way to fall asleep easier is to exercise regularly. However, doing this right before going to bed will do the opposite. People who experience insomnia are mostly divorced, widowed and separated. And 6 out of 10 of these people think that they’re not discussing this condition properly with their health care professionals. This is why sometimes, sleeping aids are used wrongly.

Here are the myths about sleeping that you should stop believing:

1. Old people need little sleep

Old people needs sleep as much as average adults. The reason why we hardly sleep when we grow old is actually because it’s more difficult for us to stay in a deep sleep. Although, it doesn’t mean that they should try sleeping more.

2. All people need 8 hours of sleep

This is the most popular for all of us. However, there are different duration of sleep we really need. For infants and toddlers, they need 9-10 hours at night adding 3 hours of nap. School-age children need 9-11 hours of sleep. Last but not the least, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep.

How do you sleep?


Interesting Facts About Language

Language is diverse. You might not notice it but it changes non-drastically even the most elit person will not be able to interpret, read or recognize words that were in his or her mother tongue 500 years ago.

There’s a Nigerian-Congo family in Africa who have family members who speak different languages over 1,400. ( How can they understand each other then?)

English, Chinese, Japanese and other popular languages are not the only ones in the world. It has been estimated that there are currently 6, 000 of it.

Try to think of a word that will rhyme with orange. The answer will literally be nothing. How about for purple? Nope, still nothing.

If you want to translate Pinocchio to Italian, it will mean “pine head”.

What are the most common letters you use in the English Language? They are S, T, L, N, R and one vowel letter, E.

Almost all codes of the US Army was deciphered by their enemies and there was only one code during the World War II that was saved. The Navajo soldiers also known as the codetalkers were able to invent a radio code that was based on their mother tongue. It was the only successful way for combating US soldiers to ensure that it will safely go to their co-soldiers and not some Japanese imitators.

If you try to type the word “typewriter” you’ll notice that you type them with the top of the keyboard and it’s the longest one you can type on that place.

If you wonder how many words you speak one day? There are an estimated of 4, 800 words. Unless if you’re a mute or just a silent type of person.

Want to win the longest word made? Try HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPPEDALIOPHOBIA.

If you can spell words the same way from both ends, we call them palindrome. An example is racecar which is still racecar.


New Year’s Resolutions Ideas

It’s not yet too late to make New Year’s resolution for 2015. Kids can also change something and make this year more special. Here are some interesting ideas for your special list.


-I’ll brush my teeth thrice a day.

-I will not put myself into danger by playing with animals without mommy or daddy.

-I will continue with good behavior.

Kids ages between 5-12

– I will not eat unhealthy food and drinks like sodas and junk foods. Instead, i will drink more milk and water and eat vegetables.

– I will not forget to properly taking care of my skin by taking a bath and putting sunscreen lotion when I’m planning to go under the sun.

– I will join a club/team where I can meet other kids.

– I will always use my rides such as bicycles, scooters and skateboards with proper gears especially a helmet.

– I will not forger myself to wear a seat belt every time I’m inside a car.

– I will be more friendly to other kids in school.

– I will not talk to strangers and tell them everything about me especially where mommy and daddy lives and where I go to school.

– I will start exercising with mom and dad.



Humanoid Robots

If we are to define what is a humanoid robot, It is a machine designed to be shaped like a human being. There were many robots invented to be able to help human beings. Here are the most significant humanoid robotics in the world both fiction and non-fiction.

1. Wall-E 

Of course, who wouldn’t forget Wall-E? Wall-E became famous in the Disney movie entitle by the same name. As said by the last article, Wall-E came from Walter Disney who was created by the humans to clean up the mess on the abandoned dirty earth. Another robot came into action and her name was Eve who is a new kind of innovative cleaner that was invented.


Unlike Wall-E, ASIMO or also known as Advanced Step in Innovative MObility is a real robotics made by Honda. It can recognize any moving thing, hand and body movements of a person, sounds and can detect faces. It has been already demonstrated all around the world for science and mathematics purposes. Like a human being, it moves around with a slower pace of 2.7 kilometers per hour. However, after an hour of usage, you need to recharge the robot again.

3. R2D2

Did you watch those videos about birds sounding like this robot from Star Wars? In 1977, to be able to operate this machine, there has to be a man inside and that was Kenny Baker. It has been one of the main characters in the six Star Wars Films with  Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

4. Titan

It is classified as the largest and strongest robot which is obviously why they named in Titan. It also made a record in the Guinness Book of World Records after it was made in the year 2007. It can carry engine blocks, ship and aircraft parts.

Can you do this robot dance?


Upcoming Movies 2015

Did you already save enough money? Here is the list of the upcoming movies you should tell your mom and dad to watch this coming 2015. Also, learn some interesting facts about these new movies to be released soon. Who’s excited?!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? That’s right! Spongebob Squarepants. But in this movie, he will take a bigger step, a journey outside his world to retrieve a stolen recipe from the Krabby Patty. Watch his quest this coming 2015 with his friend Patrick and many more!

There were already many renditions of princesses movies but for the past years, we didn’t hear anything from her. This 2015, you will meet a new face of Cinderella. She also has a new nickname, Ella. Beautiful isn’t it? After the romantic dance with the prince, It changed everything about her life! To know how, watch the movie soon.

Nemo was already found and now Dory is missing. Help Nemo find her in the movie Finding Dory. After Ellen talked about how she wanted to have her character have its own movie, It is now coming true this summer 2015. Watch out for the sharks!

Do you want a Sci-Fiction movie? Here you go, the movie is entitled Home. Planet Earth was invaded with an alien race, a journey to search for a new home. Two fugitives try not to get caught by these aliens. Don’t miss it.

Did you miss the fat kicking panda? Now he is back to kick some bad guys again! He will be continuing his “legendary adventures of awesomeness” facing not only one epic threats but 2! The target for the releasing of the movie is exactly December 23, 2015.

Now on its second movie, Hotel Transylvania will be hitting the theaters one more time! It’s about a family living in a supernatural hotel in the most deepest and darkest forest in the world. They do not allow human beings in the hotel. They don’t scare human beings, people scare them.

( Some of the trailers are not yet available)


Stranger Danger

Who do you consider as strangers? Strangers are people that your mom and dad don’t know well. Bad strangers are not just the terrifying and ugly ones you see in the cartoon like Swiper in the Dora Explorer shows but sometimes the villains have the sweetest and most innocent faces. A bigger kid in your school can also be a stranger. However, not all strangers are bad. Some strangers will help you with problems like police officers and your dear teachers. You can ask help from them when you are in trouble with the bad guys.

The Internet is not the only unsafe places for children. Your own backyard and even your own school can be a dangerous place for kids if they aren’t guarded very well with authorities. If you try to reason out to your parents that they are just asking for help, maybe they actually didn’t. You are a child, you don’t know yet about everything and probably they would ask an older one if they were really asking truly. It’s not really rude if you say “No” or “I can’t help you”. You have to be rude sometimes for your own safety. If you don’t want to abducted, stay in safe places like school, at home with your parents and crowded places. You’re still young and naive but don’t worry, there will be a time you’ll grow up and you don’t have to worry about scary strangers anymore. Always have something in you that can contact your parents like a mobile phone or buzzer.

Don’t worry about wanting to meet new friends. You can still make new ones when you finally go to school! You can even play with them and invite them to play with your toys!

Watch how this social experiment worked out!