The Story of ILIAD

The Iliad was written by Homer. He was also the author of the Odyssey. The story is the earliest and most famous Greek Literature. Like every epic poetry, it is written in a grand style and is about gods, goddesses, mythology and heroes. Homer lived approximately around the 8th century B.C. and told the story of events that happened 400 years earlier than him. He may not have written at all but he must have recited his poems orally.

The name Iliad came from the word Ilium which is another name for Troy. The Trojan war started when Prince Paris of Troy carried off Queen Helen of Sparta. Homer does not tell all the events of this war. He covers only a few weeks during the 10th and last year. Bur he uses the flashback technique, through which we see many earlier incidents, and he also gives many hints of what is to follow.

The chief hero is Achilles. Achilles becomes angry at Agamemnon, the Greek commander in chief, who takes away a prize Achilles had won. Achilles feels insulted and withdraws from the fight. Throughout most of the 24 books of the poem, he stays brooding angrily at his tent. But he is never far from our thoughts, and we watch him become a better human being through suffering. The very first words of the poem indicate the subject, “The wrath of Achilles is my theme,” the poet says.

Homer is dramatic, noble and realistic. We feel we know his characters.Though he was a Greek, he gives very fair treatment to the Trojans. The story moves rapidly. There are many speeches. One notable feature of Homer’s style  is the use of epithets. Achilles is “swift-footed”. The sea is “wine-dark”. Aphrodite is “laughter-loving”. As their “bible”, the Iliad had enormous influence on the thought of the Greeks. Alexander the Great carried a copy with him while conquering Asia. The Iliad also greatly influenced the world’s literature, not merely epic poetry. This influence is first evident among the Greeks themselves, especially the writers of tragedy.

The sequel to this epic story is of course the Odyssey, which tells the adventures and long journey home of Odyssey. To know more, watch this great interesting video below!