Facts About Christianity

2.2 billion people or 32 percent of the world’s population is Christian. The list of Christian denominations includes Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and there are 30, 000 more. What is Christianity? It is the religion built from the person and teachings of Jesus from Nazareth. This includes beliefs and practices. Here are more facts about Christianity.

It was founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. Long ago, Christians were called “atheists” ( known now as a non-believer of any god) because they weren’t worshiping their pagan gods by the Early Romans. And even now, Christians are mistreated in at least 27 countries. Christians have also set of beliefs like creeds, scriptures and trinity.

They also celebrate their holy days :


It is the climax of the holy week. It remembers the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most significant of all Christian celebrations. Churches will become full of flowers and hymns and songs will be sang. Although, Easter bunny originated from Islam.

All Saint’s Day and All Souls’ Day

All Souls’ Day is stamped on second November (or the third if the second is a Sunday), specifically emulating All Saints’ Day, and is an open door for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholic houses of worship to remember the unwavering left. They recollect and appeal to God for the souls of individuals who are in Purgatory – the spot (or state) in which the individuals who have kicked the bucket give penance for their less grave sins before being allowed the vision of God in Heaven (called Beatific vision).

All Saint’s Day is an open door for professors to recollect all holy persons and saints, known and obscure, all through Christian history. As a feature of this day of commitment, adherents are obliged to go to chapel and do whatever it takes not to do any servile work.


Blood Type-ing

Understand these interesting facts about your blood type:

Blood Type A

If you have this blood type, you contain A antigens in your red cells and B antibodies in your plasma. You are capable of donating red blood cells to people with type A and AB.

health: higher level of stress cortisol, stomach cancer, heart disease( compared to type O), several kinds of cancer and leukemia, smallpox infection, malaria

good personalities: erfectionist, analytical, organized, responsible, meticulous, compassionate, earnest, creative, sensible, patient, calm, well-mannered

good personalities: 

Blood Type B

A person with this certain blood type do have B antigens on their red blood cells while the A antibodies can be traced in their plasma. They can donate blood exclusively to people with blood type B and AB.

health: risk of heart diseases, ovarian cancer (women), 50 000 strains of friendly bacteria

good personalities: enthusiastic, dynamic, yearning, creative, inventive, fun, candidly solid, idealistic, stubborn, autonomous, eccentric

Blood Type AB

People with this blood type have A and B antigens found in their red cells. However, they don’t have these antibodies in their plasma. The good news is, you can be a donor of plasma to anyone.

health: high risk of heart diseases and pre-eclampsia (for pregnant women), cognitive difficulties ( memory, language and attention)

good personalities: cordial, versatile, 4D, intriguing, flighty, arbitrary, inventive, particular, very insightful, judicious, down to earth, philosophical

Blood Type O

You don’t have an A or B antigens located in your red blood cells. Instead, A and B antibodies can be found in your plasma. This is the most common to people and you can donate to any blood type.

health: prone to ulcer and cholera. lower risk of pancreatic cancer and death caused by Malaria.

good personalities: sure, focused, dedicated, fair, expressive, agreeable, forgetting, idealistic, solid willed, natural, inquisitive, liberal


Most Dangerous Animals

The animal kingdom is very diverse. There are a lot of kinds from beautiful, unique, gigantic, tiniest, most brilliant, interesting, intelligent and Dangerous. Therefore, if you happen to see one, please avoid it at all cost but don’t kill it if it’s unnecessary. They are still living creatures.

Box Jellyfish

From the number of kinds of box jellyfish, there is no exception to how all of them can be dangerous. It has a venom which can kill a person in just a matter of time. It may look innocent and pure because of its color. Although, even just a touch of it can cause you great pain for a duration of time.

Puffer Fish

I know, puffer fishes are cute, especially when they make them selves bloat. But this is also the time where they are most dangerous. it is a defense mechanism every time they see a threat nearby. The spines that visibly appears when they puff contains venom that can paralyze your whole body, then drastically halting your breathing and then die. You can eat puffer fish, yes. However, wrong move in preparing one will end into a disastrous meal time.


It may just be a little insect where you can swat with your hand or crush with your palm. However, mosquitoes have caused a lot of people to die because of malaria or also known as dengue. Every year, 2-3 million die because of it. Mosquitoes suck in blood. They usually are many during rainy seasons where everything is still and wet from unused tires and uncovered containers where they can breed and lay their eggs to a new set of deadly mosquitoes that will probably hit 700 million people around the world. Children are really prone to this condition and it does not work like a chicken pox. You might get the disease again even if you already experienced diseases brought by these tiny pesticides.

More dangerous animals you should watch out: 


Facts About The North Pole

People think of Santa every time we mention the North Pole. However, you should learn more things about North Pole aside from the elves and the big factory of Santa Claus.

There isn’t only one North Pole

Yes, you read that right, there are actually two North Pole, not like the South Pole which has only one. Surprised? There are actually two definitions of North Pole. One is that it is the magnetic pole which changes relatively with the Earth’s crust. The other interpretation is the north terrestrial pole which doesn’t change at all but it has a fixed location which is on top of the world.

Winter is not the only season in the North Pole

People misunderstood that because North Pole is filled with ice and ice only, then stereo-typically, people will think that the only season is winter. Although, it’s similar to other places on Earth. North pole is warmest in July but still freezing with a temperature of 32 degrees. For the coldest temperature, it will be 31 degrees below zero during the month of February. The amount of light also differs.

Life exists on the North Pole

No one can survive the temperature in The North Pole. You’re wrong. There are native people living in this northern place. There are also polar bears roaming around in the wild. Arctic dwellers also exist like Orca, Humpback, Beluga whales, Arctic fox, and Svalbard reindeer. But you won’t see the famous penguins in this place.

You can have a vacation

You can have your own Arctic experience. You can have an 11- day cruise around the Norwegian Island or the Ultimate Arctic Adventure. There is also a Santa Park which is filled with themed caves as well as Santa Claus Village. There are also hot springs you can visit in there and just relax.


Facts About Sleep

Sleep is as important as diet and exercising. However, there are times where we don’t get enough sleep because of work, school or other agenda. Here are interesting facts about sleep that everyone should know.

Talking about sleeping late, humans have the ability to make his or her own sleeping time aside from their normal sleeping duration which is like seven to nine hours during the night, unlike other animals like bats, owls, lions, deer and elephants. However, newborn babies sleep like 14 to 17 hours a day. If you’re living in a mountain, obviously your sleep will be disturbed once in a while. You’ll end up waking up in the middle of the night. This is because of the low oxygen level that is required especially during sleep where you inhale and exhale deeply. Another way to fall asleep easier is to exercise regularly. However, doing this right before going to bed will do the opposite. People who experience insomnia are mostly divorced, widowed and separated. And 6 out of 10 of these people think that they’re not discussing this condition properly with their health care professionals. This is why sometimes, sleeping aids are used wrongly.

Here are the myths about sleeping that you should stop believing:

1. Old people need little sleep

Old people needs sleep as much as average adults. The reason why we hardly sleep when we grow old is actually because it’s more difficult for us to stay in a deep sleep. Although, it doesn’t mean that they should try sleeping more.

2. All people need 8 hours of sleep

This is the most popular for all of us. However, there are different duration of sleep we really need. For infants and toddlers, they need 9-10 hours at night adding 3 hours of nap. School-age children need 9-11 hours of sleep. Last but not the least, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep.

How do you sleep?


Does Internet Make Children Smarter?

As of today, there are 1 billion websites online and every second, it is growing. We learn different things from these websites from education, entertainment, sports and etc. But does the internet make children smarter because of this easy access to knowledge?

One of the obvious answer is that we learn more using the internet. Even though a student doesn’t go to school, if he or she has the outline of how students learn, then they will be able to using the internet. There are actually a lot of concepts they can choose in the internet that they can choose from. The information makes it easier for thinking but it doesn’t make us not to think anymore. Of course, we think to understand them. Important books from philosophers, prodigies and many other genius people of time are now available online by pdf or even Google books. You don’t need to pay to learn these things if you have the connection to internet. There are also researches that students improved their vocabulary, visual learning and their IQ is increased.

Although, there are also people that contradict this idea. More information doesn’t mean that these children are smarter. Instead, they’re just making them lazier. Because information is being spoon fed, the children loses the ability to analyze and find answers for themselves, which is also an important aspect to be learned. Also, most children are not actually using the internet to seek for knowledge but to play video games the whole day.

Parents always have roles for the child’s intelligence development. They are capable of controlling what their children can access, which they can only limit to educational purposes. It’s always better to put their computers in a common area where their parents can always monitor them. Or better, you can access the internet together and help them understand more.

Do you still remember the Internet Explorer?


Ways The World Will End

No one really knows when the world will end. However, some scientists believe that it will take billion of years until we are all erased on the face of the Earth and then it will disappear. Nevertheless, we want to know what possible ways will the world end. Are you ready? Here are the interesting scenarios.


The popular zombie television series The Walking Dead. Bringing the dead to be alive again is impossible. However, making a zombie-like attitude and behavior can be. One example is the rabies which we commonly get from dogs. This virus can actually make people violent. Another are parasites that can control your brain activity.


Being hit by an asteroid can be close to impossible but it’s not totally. Earth has been known to be a target of roaming asteroids from the outer space. However, we were not yet hit by one that can actually cause destruction to our planet. The biggest one was in Russia were buildings were destroyed by the massive impact as well many people were hurt.

Complete Robotic Takeover

Technology has been developing rapidly nowadays. Now we have robots who can assist us with our daily lives like learning and also human-like technology. It wouldn’t be long until human beings can develop something that will have their own feelings and independent brain.

Global Warming

It’s true that the planet’s surface is getting. Even though we stop releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, it will not stop the earth from warming up. Through statistics, more or less 150,000 people already died because of the issues relating to this condition and it will get more as years come by.

Big Rip Theory

If there was a Big Bang Theory there is also a theory on how the world end. This is that everything in the universe from bodies to planets will literally tear apart. As we know the universe is expanding but there will be a time that it can’t expand anymore and it will snap.

Now this is mean : 


Cool Apps for Kids

Are your children bored and constantly complain of having nothing to do? Want to just relax after a hard day at work without having to invent new ways to entertain your kids? Well now you don’t have to! Here are some of the most popular apps for kids that will keep them busy for hours!

Helicopter Taxi

If your kids are into flying and transportation, Helicopter Taxi is a must-have app. This app uses augmented reality to simulate a helicopter flying across the room, with your children as the pilots. By moving the device around, your kids will spend hours flying wherever they wish, just watch out they don’t crash!

Cut the Rope

Quite an oldie but still a goodie, this brain-teasing, addictive app will keep your children at bay for an eternity. Feed the cute green monster by solving puzzles to get the candy into his mouth! With hundreds of different levels with varying levels of difficulty, even you might have fun with this one! Just don’t be annoyed if they ask for help, it’s even challenging for us adults!

Plants Vs. Zombies

Everyone’s heard of this one. Despite the violent-sounding name this game is suitable for kids of any age. The goal (as you can guess) is to defeat the comical evil zombies threatening your backyard with the power of plants! With 50 levels, each increasing with difficulty, this game will keep your kids, and maybe even yourself, entertained for days.

American Museum of Natural History: Dinosaurs

Every kid loves dinosaur’s right? This educational application will fascinate and teach your kids about almost any prehistoric creature. With over 800 dino photos to tap through, each containing its own valuable info, your child will be a palaeontologist in no time! This is a must-have app for any avid dinosaur lover.


The Most Radioactive Places on Earth

Nuclear is indeed an advantageous discovery especially when it comes to emitting low amounts of carbon dioxide and also a source of cheap power that will light up our houses. However, we cannot avoid the fact that it’s also dangerous thing when it is not handled properly. Like for example these places which are still highly radioactive. Therefore, if you try going there, authorities will make sure that you cannot get through the place for the sake of your own safety.

Fukushima, Japan

We can all still remember the 2011 earthquake in Japan that resulted to gigantic tsunami that demolished a lot of homes and human structures. However, it didn’t end on taking the lives of the people but also left a reminder for the people. One of the structures that was destroyed was the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear power plant that leaked nuclear radiation because of the meltdown of the six reactors. It was discovered the material leaked as distant 200 miles radius from the plant.

Chernobyl, Ukraine

Until today, Chernobyl is still severely polluted with nuclear waste after the accident in 1986. Only a number of people are allowed to around the place for a particular time. During the accident, more than 6 million people were unprotected from the radiation. Thousands of people died. If you can remember the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing, the effects of this accident were worse. Number of cancer patients drastically increased.

Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan 

Most of the nuclear accidents came from nuclear bombs and even power plants. It came from the materials used for mining. The area are filled with mining processes of uranium and there are over 36 dumps of uranium waste. It is also a common place for earthquake activities. These disruptions caused the exposure from time to time. Not only the people are affected but also the rivers are contaminated that made it unsafe for drinking, especially for the animals living near the bodies of water.


Amazing People With Disabilities

People who are limited to doing normal things are called people with disabilities. They could be mute, dyslexic, amputated or ADHD. However, this list of interesting people proves us wrong of the fact that people with disabilities like them can still do great things in life, that some of us normal people cannot do.

Helen Keller

Helen, with a full name of Helen Adams Keller was a blind and deaf American writer, political activist and teacher. Even with her condition, it didn’t stop her from being the first deaf and blind person to get a Bachelor of Arts degree. Her past teacher, Annie Sullivan, didn’t give up on her despite of her lack of language. Instead, she helped her communicate with other people and his been known to the world in relation to dramatic plays especially of the The Miracle Worker. Using her hand, she was able to form words. Her first word was doll. After she was able to master communication using hand signals, she helped women, workers and other good causes. Sullivan and Keller was able to roam around 39 countries and has made a lot of visits in Japan, earning their trust. She was even able to meet Alexander Graham Bell, the one who invented the first practical phone and Charlie Chaplin, a famous English comic actor.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen was diagnosed with ALS at an early age of 21. But despite of this, it wasn’t a problem for him to achieve to be one of the famous physicists internationally. Now, he can only communicate through a computer attached to his 24/7 working wheel chair ,less than 3 decades decades ago. However, he continued his passion to learn more and discover things about the universe which includes general relativity and quantum mechanics. You can still buy one of his best-selling compilation which is A Brief History of Time.